I am working late cu'z Iam a crocheter oh looks so good but I might dump it laterrrrr( singing out loud )
Hello madlang hivers mabuhay,today is the today that I need to express this thoughts were probably sharing is my new hobby . Last blog I shared about my transitions from Private to Public school and after I wrote it make me relief that finaly I was able to let them out .
So today we will be having a rating about random crochet projects that I made for one year as a part time crocheter.Actually Iam planning these for a long time rating my own work because why not ? I mean I have the freedom to rate my work then.
First ,crochet projects to rate is my graduation crochet bouquet, this bouquet is personalized made for my cousins graduation day since it is her special day so I made her a special bouquet.I will rate this in a score of 10/10.
Second, another crochet bouquet to rate is purple bouquet made for Ate colens mother-in-law,they customized it for the birthday celebrants from Cebu bound to Bacolod .I will rate this in a score of 10/10.
Third,another crochet bouquet to rate ,my former teacher when I was studying in St Cecilia's Collage ordered a customized crochet flower bouquet for her father's birthday also .I will rate this 8/10 because literally Iam struggling making this output it pressured me actually but still looks so amazing and seems so iam enjoying delevering my products.
Fourth, another crochet bouquet to rate ,my customer wants the colors of yellow , sunflower and also she likes to add some color pink flowers,these bouquet is specially made for her mother .I will rate this in a score of 10/10.
Fifth,clover leaf keychain 10/10 these keychain looks so cute and adorable at first I doubt myself what if I can't do these keychain, actually this is made for orders she wants to give a gift for her friends symbolizees their long-term relationship way back then.
Sixth, shuttle cock keychains this is also made for orders my classmate who loves to play badminton so he order to me a crocheted shuttle cock.I will rate this 10/10 ,the output looks so cute and reminiscing to look at.
Seventh,bonnet hat this is the first project I made the time Iam learning crochet stitches I didn't notice that even though Im still learning I can't believe I produce this kind of projects,10/10 bonnet hat .
Eight,Ghanomile flower keychain 7/10 I felt disappointed this craft because its not what I visualize the final output for this one so out of 10 I will rate this 1/10.
Ninth, Ghanomile rubber bond 10/10 I rate 10/10 because kids love to wear my craft and it makes my heart happy so I give 10/10.
Tenth,tumbler holder 10/10 personalize made for me ,I choose purple because it matches to my small size tumbler also it will serves as protection to avoid discolorization and other damages.
Eleventh,kids top just like the other projects this is customize top for my neighbor daughter,she said she wants to have some crochet OOTD for her kids and I will be the one to decide what pettern should I use so I come up.this idea glad that they like it so 10/10 this to me.
Twelve,mini fun sleeve I purchased a mini fun online I find it so cute so I checked it out for no reasons and then since we are a Crafter I design a sleeve for this cute mini fun and I found it so unique and adorable,I wanted also that this gun will last so in order for that we need to make a special protection for it so I made a sleeve. I will rate this 10/10.
So much for that Crafthy hivers I guess you've discover something about my blog.Let me know if you have your own ratings too I've Loved to hear other comments too.
Bye bye bye crafters see you in my next blog.
Love,love ,love
My craft your craft! this is Crafthy paradise where you witness unique creations with the use of hands.
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