happiness is the key to healthy life.

in voilk •  last month

    Good day, amazing people of the hive block chain. Welcome back to my blog. I am glad to have you guys. It is another edition of the #hivelearners community. We know how hard our country's economy is. It is very important to have fun so that the economy will not put you into depression.


    Well, the economy of the country is really not fun. Things are really getting out of hand. The economy keeps getting worse each day, making it hard for people living in the country to survive. We don’t do things we enjoy anymore due to the economy. Currently, people don’t really go out to have fun due to the present economy. People no longer go for their needs but for their wants.

    The economy is really not favoring us, so for many of us, inflation has become the order of the day. Businesses are not going well, and everyone is complaining about how bad the economy is. The economy of this country is enough to put someone into depression.

    For the past six months, it has not been easy for me. There are many projects that I keep pending, but in the midst of this hardship, there is a need to be happy, take out time, have fun with people, and put a smile on your face, if not for anything else, for your mental health.

    For me, I have decided never to let the economy of the country slow me down. I decided to have an amazing moment with my family.


    In February, a longtime friend called me and said that she was inviting me to their village carnival on Easter Sunday. At first, I came up with excuses that I will be very busy that day, but on a second, I accepted to attend the carnival because I really needed to cool off my head. Seriously, attending that carnival was the best decision I made. The carnival was full of many people; there were a lot of displays and many group dances. Seriously, that carnival really put a smile on my face. I had a lot of fun.


    The most amazing moment was when I had to run because of the masquerade. I never knew that the masquerade was friendly; he was only trying to welcome me. Seriously, going to that carnival really brightened me and put a smile on my face. I was so happy I didn't miss that carnival. How I wish my friend captured that moment I was running from the masquerade. Each time I remember how I ran from the masquerade, I keep smiling to myself. That was a good way to cool off the economy at that moment, and I have nothing to worry about.


    This is the picture of the masquerade when it came to my friends house

    On April 12th, it was my friend's birthday, and she decided to celebrate it in a low-key way by taking some friends out. I really enjoyed the birthday party. Gisting with my friends and catching up with me really meant a lot. I couldn’t stop laughing. I had a lot of fun with them, to the point where I wish it never ended. I was so grateful that I didn’t miss the birthday.


    One thing is sure: as long as we exist on this earth, there are always challenges. We should never allow the challenges or difficult moments we are facing to take away our joy. Always have a reason to be happy, because happiness is a magical medicine.

    All pictures are mine

    This is my entry on the #hivelearners weekly prompts #hl-w117e2.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog. I appreciate your comments, support, and upvotes. Do have a lovely day.

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