My Hometown Heaven Pai Khel: A Window to Pakistan's Rural Heritage

in voilk •  12 hours ago

    Hello to my hive family. Welcome to another blog of mine. In this blog, I will show you the beautiful scenery of my village Pai Khel, and tell you more about my beautiful village.

    Village life is completely different from city life. In the village, people have plenty of time to sit together and have Gupshup. The villagers usually eat simple and pure food. They live a healthy life. They avoid eating artificial food. They breathe in fresh air. They live in vast houses. Today I will introduce you to my beautiful village.

    The name of my village is Pai Khel. It is located in the district of Mianwali. Mianwali is a famous district of our beloved country Pakistan. The population of our village is approximately forty thousand. The majority of people in our village are attached to the profession of farming. Some do their jobs in different Government departments like the police, the Pak army, the profession of teaching, etc.

    We are lucky that your village has wonderful natural scenery. We have beautiful mountains, a canal, dunes, a wonderful playground, and green fields. Almighty ALLAH has blessed us with every blessing.

    Let's start exploring the majestic beauty of my village one by one.

    130 Years Old Pai Khel Railway Station
    Pai Khel Railway Station is the oldest railway station in Pakistan. This historical railway station was established by the British Government specifically between 1886 and 1896. It is the cultural heritage of Pakistan. A fort was built on this historical railway station. After 130 spending 130 years, this cultural heritage of Pakistan is still preserved. It's a beautiful monument of our civilization. Whenever I get bored, I go to visit this ancient railway station in Pakistan. Here I am sharing some pictures of this railway station that I took during the visit to this historical place. I hope you will like these pictures.

    The next wonderful scenery of my village is a thal canal. It is a famous canal in Punjab. It comes from the famous Indus River of Pakistan. It is a blessing for our village because the farmers water their crops free of cost by this canal. In the summer season, we swim in the cool water of the canal. We are lucky that we have a swimming pool that has no cost. Believe me, when we walk on the bank of this canal in the evening time, the fresh cool breeze changes our mood. There is a jungle near this canal. Plenty of trees are there in the jungle.

    We grow different types of crops. In December, we sow wheat crop and harvest it in April. After the wheat crop, we sow cotton crop in May and June and harvest it in October. We play a vital role in the progress and development of our country.

    Another beautiful place in our village is the dunes. These beautiful dunes are located very near to our house. I still remember my childhood days when I used to play hide and seek on these dunes. We used to make houses with sand. Whenever I get bored, I go to these dunes, and I walk barefoot on the sand. I enjoy solitude by sitting on the sand. Here I can only hear the birds chirping. The height of these dunes is almost 20 to 25 feet. From the top of the dune, the view of our village looks marvelous.

    In my village, Pai Khel, a weekly fair is held on Tuesday. People of our village wait for this fair whole week. They buy different kinds of essential commodities at very cheap rates. Different kinds of vendors are present at the fair to sell their things. Today I visited this fair and enjoyed it a lot. There I saw a vendor who was selling hens. A stall of biryani was also established by a vendor. People were enjoying biryani and our traditional sweet dish Halwa. Some were selling toys, tea cups, and shoes. I tasted a piece of jaggery from a vendor. It was very tasty. Here I am sharing some pictures of today's fair.

    In my village, mostly the farmers water their crops by the canal, but a few farmers who do not have access to the canal water water their crops and vegetables by tube well. People grow vegetables 🍆 with the water of a tube well. Mostly, villagers grow vegetables and run their kitchens. They do not use fertilizer to grow their vegetables and this is one of the secrets of our good health. Children swim and bathe in cool water of tune well in the summer season.

    It was a brief sketch of my beautiful village Pai Khel. I hope you enjoyed my today's blog. Thank you so much for stopping. If you liked my article do give your opinion in the comments section of the post.
    Allah Hafiz till the next blog.

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