WOO Strategy: part 1

in voilk •  29 days ago


    Rock, Paper, Scissors, but with more action.

    Hello everyone!
    As the preliminary tournament for WOO in May concluded last week, it's good to look at the game with a more strategic view. In the Discord someone asked for some info how to play and maybe share some strategies. Well, here's a first post and will probably create some others about WOO strategy. Keep in mind though that these posts are just my personal opinion and could be subject of change and/or discussion! But now, let's head over to the strategy.

    Rock, paper & Scissors

    Yes, WOO has some rock, paper d scissors mechanisms. In such a way that one type is resistant to another type, this way the types interact like in a triangle.

    Wrestling Organization Online has 3 different wrestling styles for their wrestlers, which are the following:

    • Powerhouse (broken bone symbol)
    • High Flying (wings symbol)
    • Technical (gear symbol)

    For those unaware, you can find out the styles on the cards, I included their symbols between brackets in above list.

    As an example, the following card has a 'wings' symbbol on it, thus is a high flying wrestler.


    These styles work in a rock/paper/scissors style of resistance where 1 style is resistant to another style. This resistance halves the damage done by a Wrestler (rounded up). This increases strategic play immensely and provides more depth to the game. The resistances are as follows:

    • Technical is resistant to High Flying.
    • High Flying is resistant to Powerhouse.
    • Powerhouse is resistant to Technical.


    Here is an example of how resistance works:

    A Technical Wrestler with 2 damage connects with its Finisher on a High Flying Wrestler. The High Flying Wrestler takes 4 damage from the Finisher. 2 damage doubled due to the Finisher. This is done in full since there is no resistance.

    A Technical Wrestler with 2 damage connects with its Finisher on a Powerhouse Wrestler. The Powerhouse Wrestler takes 2 damage from the Finisher. 2 damage doubled due to the Finisher, then halved due to resistance.

    As you can see, it is essential for players to correctly determine which Wrestlers an opponent will use and attempt to counter their opponent's Wrestlers' styles.

    This of course isn't that easy. As you never know which wrestler an opponent will choose. But by experience (and reading), you can make some calculated guesses.

    Another hint I would give you is to write down the different wrestlers in a table and 'study' which wrestler has which style. This way, you atleast know the basics when you're playing. I did this and it really helped me to understand the mechanics and remember them correctly.

    Thanks for reading! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!


    What is WOO?

    WOO, aka Wrestling Organization Online is an upcoming play2earn game on the Hive blockchain about wrestling. They are bringing back territory wrestling, where the wrestlers are tradeable nft's. The game launched in 2024. It's an autobattler in the theme of wrestling. There are 3 undercard events and 1 main event. Winning an undercard event gives you 1 point and winning the main event gives you 2 points, so 5 points are what we're fighting for. There are wrestler NFT's and manager NFT's which gives bonuses to the wrestlers. When you win a game, you'll earn $WOO, the governance token of WOO, making it a real #play2earn game!

    A lot could be said about WOO, to get more information about WOO in general, check out my other posts, the posts of @wrestorgonline and make sure to join their discord: https://discord.gg/woogame


    Link of above match: https://play.wrestlingorganizationonline.com/match/657a11bad9362698abcff4fb


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