Being talkative can be beneficial ~ Tragedy

in voilk •  3 months ago


    There are many things in life we don’t know about and it is full of mysterious stuff. There are crisis and we have to face it. There are many uncertainties and uncomfortable situations we get in. There are many challenges that makes us strong. As we face those situations sometimes we don’t know what to do instantly. Lots of confusing going on in mind we barely know how to face it. Sometimes we unlock the abilities we never knew about. But one thing I must say when it comes to the talk of survival then we are ready to do anything for it.

    One day while walking on the street I was approaching for the super market and I could hear a coming from behind but I could care less as I was on the street. I didn’t bother to look behind and a hand came in-front of me. I could feel someone standing behind me. I got scared and I realised what was going to happen my heart was beating so fast I could not react. The next moment I felt that I was in a moving car and my eyes are covered I could feel my hands are tied very tightly, it was so painful that I was about to cry.

    I hear a voice of a male talking to me but I was zoned out that I could not hear him. I got very anxious that I could not understand what was going to happen to me. As I hear them saying they threw my phone so no one is gonna be able to trace me. There’s no way I could get out of this situation. All of the way I was only thinking about how to get rid of them. As they were talking a while ago I realised there are 3 of them.

    Then out of nowhere I started to talk I didn’t know why but I could not stop myself. Then I noticed someone asking me to stop talking and I felt that he got pretty annoyed. As I remembered last time I was in a parlour there was a woman who talked non stop and everyone left the seat just because she was talking in a very annoying tone. In present I changed my way of talking and started to sound annoying. Then one guy grabbed my neck and I was so scared I thought this might be the end of me because getting on their nerves can make me lose my life. I was again in thoughts what if they decide to kill me now because I am being annoying.

    I still had no other way to get out of it and I decided to risk it all even though he grabbed my neck I didn’t stop talking. The other guy stopped that guy because he was choking me. I got released but still I didn’t stop talking. Then that guy started to curse me and others also got annoyed of the situation. I was feeling too many emotions at once scared and furious.

    Then I heard them arguing about me and I felt I have almost reached my destination. While I was talking the stopped the car and I thought I lost my last chance because it didn’t work. Everyone got out and I heard the sound of them opening the door and someone grabbed my hand and threw me on street. I felt that they are going to end me here. But I no longer hear the footsteps I could only hear the car moving away very far from me.

    Then I heard few people calling me and they were asking if I am okay. I could not believe I made it this far they really did let me go. I never knew that talking this much can make them leave me. What if I didn’t try and remained silent then what would have happened to me? As I am an introvert I never talk. When I saw people in-front of me I could not stop crying how happy and relieved I felt that moment I can’t explain in few words. Whatever I did was done instantly I didn’t have the time to think of it. When it comes to survival every human being wants to protect themselves and finds a way for it.

    I am glad I didn’t stay quiet and go along with as it was going. I have learned that I should keep trying no matter what because it might end well never lose the chance when you get it. I really don’t like to talk at all but when I realised it must be a way to release myself I didn’t back off and I did something which I don’t do often. It could have ended in another way like if they had tried to finish me off just because of my talking. But it didn’t happen anyways, I had no choice but to attempt this. When I got saved I felt like I am the most luckiest person in the world as everything went according to my plans.


    About the Author
    My name is Haya, I am from Bangladesh, currently I am a student and I started my journey as a content creator in 2019 , Mainly I am interested in gaming, I am a professional Esports player of PUBG MOBILE. I am known as the most famous female player from PUBG MOBILE Bangladesh gaming community. Mask is my identity I do not intend to reveal my face in future that’s why you will see me in mask in every pictures. I have taken interested in HIVE because it’s the best platform for a content creator like me. I also like travelling, photography, drawing, gardening, blogging and many more things I intend to attempt in my free times.

    • The Photos were taken the mobile app Canva
    • Photos edited with PicsArt Mobile app and Canva
    • All content are mine unless otherwise noted

    All Rights reserved @ayamihaya


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