3 Views on Rock

in voilk •  12 days ago

    Hopefully you all are fine and doing well. I am taking part in @kindnessrocks first time. I am very exicted. It is my first experience that I am drawing something on rocks. I thanks to this community who gave me a chance ti improve my skills. And increas8ng in my honorss.......🥰

    I hope you will like it.



    Poster colours



    First of all I started to draw a night view on the bigs one rock. I started to coloured it dark blue.... At the corners of rock.

    Then I did a little bit light blue colour then the previous blue ...........

    Then I did the lightest blue in the mid of the other blue colours on the rock.

    Then At the last I did white colour in the middle and cover its mid part.

    Then I started to add white spots on the oper part of the rock.

    Then I draw the tree in the black colour and made a black surface on the lower end of yhe rock....

    I add some white spots at the branches and the black surface.....
    And the final look of night view is given below....😅

    Day view

    I took another rock and coloured it blue and green.🥰

    Then I draw a tree and some black mountains on this rock . For the final.look.


    I did the balck colour on the whole rock

    Then I draw a white cat on this rock🥴🥴

    Now it is also complete.
    I am very happy to klmade it.

    Here is the final look of the three different views....🧟

    I hope you will like it. I will come back soon inshallah with a new post.

    Thank you so much for visiting and loving my post

    Allah Hafiz and take care

    See you later

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