In A Position To Give An Advice - Unlearn & Learn!

in voilk •  4 months ago

    I've been trying to avoid this particular topic as I always feel like I'm mostly not in the position to give advice as I tend to need any advice I can get, advises are an important part of living, every stage has a word or two one would take from another or from self. Yes, we do advice ourselves sometimes but it is more of the ones we get from others than our own which is cool too.

    For one who has gone through struggles a few times, I think I'm in a good enough position to share an advice that I'm indirectly telling to myself.


    In any new situation one finds himself or herself, there is always something to learn. As the popular saying goes, "We stop learning, we die" so that means, we learn, to live and I'd love to remind us once again with a personal story.

    For the past weeks, I've been in a phase that I'll call a whole new experience and a start to a new journey. I've said this a lot of times already but I'm not getting tired of saying it, learning new things are very fun. And in connection to the advice I have for anyone in any situation, learn to learn from it.

    I would never had imagined myself to hold a ball that I want to play it as I've always thought it's for the guys but I did, and today I'm happy to see myself playing the volleyball game like I had played it before.

    It was all learning and to be honest, the learning process isn't so easy and it's full of "Maybe I should just give it up" but somehow I still stay strong on the thought that I'll be good at it for my own self even if I don't advance on it.

    Unlearning the fact that I can't play any kind of ball game well and learning how to play the volleyball has once again awoken the spirit to be more passionate about learning whatever lessons comes by so long it wouldn't destroy your good beliefs and stances.

    You want to do life right? Take it as a duty, very intentional to learn something new from any situation you find yourself. A friend of mine once complained so badly about how stressful her job is and the pay isn't good enough but something keeps her from resigning from the job.

    It is the aspect that she is learning a lot of things, meeting different and great people, increasing her knowledge in the field and finding joy in all of it. She made me realize that one could actually love a job so much for many reasons even when it doesn't pay well.

    She seem to have a bigger plan for herself as she keeps learning from where she works presently, that doesn't mean she isn't stressed out and not tempted to stop the job sometimes, but she keeps going while growing the habit of unlearning and learning for her own sake.

    The sweet part of learning is that, it is not just for you alone but for all around you. Anyone would love to be of assistance in many more ways than just giving money, learn to share your new knowledge gained with others. I hope my advice is taken by myself and you reading this.


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