in voilk •  4 months ago

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    So then faith comes by hearing...the word [rhema] of God (Romans 10:17).


    There are two Greek words in the English Bible translated as "word": "LOGOS" and "RHEMA" (pronounced ray-mah). Logos often refers to the written or scriptural meaning, which means the Bible. Rhema often refers to the living or life-giving word, which is spoken.

    To understand these words better, Jesus Christ said: "It is written [logos], man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word [rhema] that proceeds out of the mouth of God'"(Matt 4:4).

    The Bereans were praised for receiving the rhema with readiness of mind and searching through Scripture daily to verify its truthfulness. These verses illustrate that logos and rhema work together; we must know Scripture (logos) to judge whether a message from God (rhema) is genuine. The Holy Spirit's message always agrees with what is in the Holy Bible.
    Jesus told the Pharisees their mistakes resulted from ignorance of both logos and rhema. Many church leaders today also lack knowledge about either one or both.


    Rhema usually applies specifically to a particular situation as communication from God designed and empowered for that purpose. When reading scripture suddenly strikes us with power for our personal need, it becomes a rhema.
    When praying for divine wisdom or answer regarding an insoluble problem and suddenly receive a solution into our hearts in practical terms solving it, that's another example of experiencing rhema.

    During ministry-related activities when sudden impressions result in great blessings after taking specific actions are also instances where we experience rhema. We should be cautious not to assume every urge or impression as a rhema; they must align with Scripture first before considering them legitimate messages from God.


    One danger associated with higher education is pride instead of faith among students resulting from substituting academic knowledge over spiritual discernment guided through hearing voices directly from God. John Wimber, Peter Wagner,and Donald McGovern acknowledged how important it was relying on Holy Spirit gifts while evangelizing churches rather than emphasizing philosophy, literature, history, psychology, amongst other subjects instead of focusing only on biblical teachings. These men taught people how to heal others, speaking in tongues, and cast out demons, using miracles confirming Word Ministry. Focusing solely on theological degrees without cultivating aflame spirit like theirs will lead nowhere.


    Church leaders invest millions building impressive cathedrals hoping they will attract more people. However, the New Testament doesn't mention constructing physical buildings.The priority lies more in spreading the gospel rather than investing heavily on lavish structures. Church leaders who spend much money building cathedrals at the expense of spreading the Gospel offend Him since he commissioned us nearly 2,OOO years ago saying, "Go into all world preach gospel creature." (Mark 16:15).

    China provides an excellent case study demonstrating what happens when freed up entirely from infatuation towards cathedral construction. Since indigenous works recognized Chinese culture, harmony Scriptures earlier compared Western style doing things, it became easy adopting cultural practices compatible within their nation. Spreading Gospel became China's top priority since no economic burden came along massive building constructions. Western missionaries' controlling influence ceased allowing Chinese society adapting quickly methods much more suitable within its culture. Evangelism flourished via relational evangelism leading dramatic results seen during Church growth recorded there. This model serves best compared Western style cathedrals.


    Working alongside powerful God Almighty leads tremendous success just like mouse teamed up lonely elephant. By ourselves, much can't be achieved, but working together, great achievements come. Relying too much upon academic knowledge hinders rather helps our relationship with Christ. Waiting upon the Lord Jesus Christ, prayerfully leads clearer understanding His plans. Protection against hindrances emanating through traditions, patterns, and formula requires energized Holy Spirit intervention. God has bigger plans beyond ours so waiting patiently until clarity comes ensures successful outcomes. Most importantly, focus should shift towards preaching gospel spread across all nations instead lavishing resources unnecessarily constructing costly infrastructure projects serving little purpose besides pandering egotistical desires amongst affluent members. Jesus preached gospel poor family lived Nazareth stable birthplace. No place ever existed laying head down throughout his entire ministerial period. He died wrapped borrowed shroud lying inside borrowed tomb during victorious conquest over death, hell grave. Let us follow him closely now!

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