Hello Hivers a very good morning to you all. I am Liman Ayaka Agbu with the account name @ayakaliman.
Welcome to a new week and also the last week in the month of February, 2025. I am sure we all had an amazing weekend with friends and family and I want to also believe we are all starting this week in a good and glorious way.
I sincerely want to appreciate the Hive REACH-OUT community for always giving us the privilege to grow. Thank you to all the administrators and fellow Hivers for the support and time to go through my blog always.
This Monday morning i want to share some lessons learned in a meeting i attended yesterday. I was privileged to share on some common habits that made some people mediocre and walking in mediocrity.
I'm sharing this because i want someone to learn to be encouraged to break free from such habits that can pause a very big limitations on one's life and destiny if not properly giving attention to.
Below are the 15 list of common habits that limit people i hope it help someone to rise out the mediocre seat.
15 Common Habits of Mediocre People
Mediocrity rears its ugly head when people have a poor attitude, misguided philosophy, or bad habits. Know the warning signs and take appropriate action to counter them. Here are 15 common habits of mediocre people:
Lack of accountability: You always have a clever excuse or someone to blame so that you can dodge responsibility.
Complacency: You made it to the top and think you can rest on your laurels and live off your past accomplishments.
Victim mentality. You convince yourself that everyone’s against you and that success is beyond your control — so you stop trying to affect the outcome.
Lack of candid feedback. You rarely receive, nor do you want, feedback, so it’s hard for you to know where improvement is needed. As a result, you never learn from mistakes.
Low expectations. You set the bar so low for yourself that you’re pleased with mediocre performance.
Poor reward system. You’ve stopped trying because there’s no distinction in your organization between exceptional and poor performance.
Bad influence. You surround yourself with low achievers. Unfortunately, their behavior is contagious.
Lack of competition. You’re the only game in town, so folks have no option but to do business with you.
No conscience. Politics takes precedence over doing what’s right, and appearances become more important than outcomes. Many people no longer have conscience and if they do they are dead.
Get something for nothing. You’re rewarded based on tenure rather than merit, so there’s no incentive to keep up with the times or to go the extra mile.
Poor leadership. You easily achieve results because the bar was set artificially low. The truth is, when you tolerate mediocrity, you get more of it.
Lack of commitment. You dip your toe in the water because you’re afraid to go all in. The result is that a superficial effort leads to superficial results.
Crave acceptance. You lower your personal standards to win social acceptance and become a member of the in-crowd.
Think you’re a know-it-all. You put learning on the back burner and become obsolete over time.
Apathy: You’ve been underperforming for so long you don’t even recognize excellence anymore. We must all pursue excellence in all we do if we will become great and successful.
Thank you for letting me your time.
Have a great day and week ahead.
Liman Ayaka Agbu