Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! - RULESET: Equalizer / バトルメイジ・シークレット ウィークリーチャレンジ - ルールセット: Equalizer

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!

    Equalizer is a rule that allows low cost monsters to play well, but it also increases the HP of Martyr-having monsters that I want them to be defeated.
    I use VENARI MARKSRAT a lot, so sometimes I get in trouble.

    私は VENARI MARKSRAT をよく使うからたまに困っちゃう。


    Speaking of having Oppotunity, I know DEEPLURKER is often used, but I was using HARDY STONEFISH as a countermeasure. But in the case of this rule, even if you put STONEFISH in the back, other monsters will be targeted because they have the same HP. So in case of EQUALIZER rule, I can't use STONEFISH!

    Oppotunity持ちと言えば DEEPLURKER がよく使われると思うけど、私は対策として HARDY STONEFISH を使ってたのね。でもこのルールの場合は後ろにSTONEFISHを入れてもHPが揃ってしまうから他のモンスターが狙われてしまう。なのでEqualizerルールの場合、STONEFISHが使えないんだよ!


    In this battle, I put VENARI MARKSRAT in the first position and DJINN OSHANNUS in the second position as usual.
    VENARI MARKSRAT's ability strengthens OSHANN, magic is halved, and OSHANN's speed makes it possible to avoid magic and win the game. I will put CLOCKWORK AIDE at the tail end to further increase the evasion rate.

    このバトルでは1番先頭に VENARI MARKSRAT を置き、2番目に DJINN OSHANNUS を置くいつもの作戦。Equalizerルールなので私のチームは先頭から順に倒されるはず。
    VENARI MARKSRAT のアビリティによりOSHANNを強化し、魔法は半減、スピードで回避するOSHANNで無双する作戦だ。最後尾にSneak対策にもなりそう CLOCKWORK AIDE を置いてさらに回避率も上げる。

    I noticed this while writing this. Why did I put the third and fourth monsters that originally had Oppotunity? Shouldn't there be a monster with high attack power even if it doesn't have the skill?

    これを書きつつ気が付いたんだけど。なぜ3番目、4番目に元から Oppotunityを持ってるモンスターを置いたんだろう。スキルは無くても高攻撃力のモンスターを入れるべきなんじゃ?

    While MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN's Taunt was collecting attacks, the monsters in his own camp were being defeated in turn by concentrated magic attacks. Even DJINN OSHANNUS with Void was defeated in no time.

    MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN のTauntが攻撃を集めている間に魔法の集中攻撃で順に倒されて行く自陣のモンスターたち。魔法の集中攻撃はやっぱり強い。Void持ちの DJINN OSHANNUS でさえ、あっという間に倒されちゃった。

    On reflection, I still think I should have made the third and fourth monsters more aggressive. I don't know if I could have won even then.
    As I often say, magic is very strong in the Bronze and Silver Leagues. In the higher leagues, there are more abilities and higher HP, so there will be more ways to deal with them, but they are still strong. Magic is the strongest!

    しょっちゅう言ってるけど、やっぱり魔法が強いんだよね。Earthエレメントの OBSIDIAN と魔法モンスターの組み合わせはブロンズ~シルバーリーグでは魔法がめっちゃ強い。上のリーグになるとアビリティが増えるのとHPも高くなるから多少対応方法が増えるだろうけど、それでも強い。魔法最強!

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