A changed student

in voilk •  5 months ago

    What kind of Student am I?

    Let's see, I'm in my fourth year in the university and so far, I think I am an evolving student. Lol. During my 100 level when I got admitted into the university, I was delighted because due to some difficulties, I couldn't write jamb or dream of going to the university after secondary school back then. So after I got in, it was intoxicating, I was that student that would always sit at the front of the lecture hall. I know for a fact that I never missed classes, not even the ones scheduled for 6am. Even though I live outside the school area, I always woke up as early as 4:30am to prepare for school.

    Was it the assignments? I would be among the first to write mine and then borrow my friends to write theirs. I will always remember my friend Favor, who left to study nursing because her dad wanted her to. We always sat together at the front, and studied together, she helped me a lot back then because I resumed late. We never missed practicals either, and we were always scared whenever we didn't sign any lecturer’s attendance.

    Fast-forward to the second year, and it was still the same thing. Early to school, sign attendance as if my life depended on it, never miss a quiz and oh I almost forgot… Buy all the textbooks and handouts, most of which we ended up not using, actually. I was the go-to girl for notes, assignments, up-to-date manuals, It was I. On the social side, I never attended any school party, I would rather stay home or talk to my friends on the phone. People say I'm an introvert, and I pretend I don't know what they're talking about. I have a lot of friends but I am close to a few. I genuinely love to gist and laugh with them all. Most people don't know how fun I am until they get to know me.

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    I believe I evolved after I saw some of our results and realized that my score was based only on my exam, no test, no attendance, no quiz and people that missed classes and quiz had higher scores. That was when I realized that my in school “It isn't of him that readeth or solveth past question, it is of God that showeth mercy”. As a student, you could read and do everything necessary and still have low results or God forbid it missing scripts. A lot of my friends passed through this and are currently still working on the missing scripts from 200 level. But thank God I've never experienced this and God won't allow me to because we can agree that it's a nightmare.

    In 300 level, I resumed at least a month after the holiday. People who knew me were shocked, all I kept hearing was “a whole Loveth”. It wasn't like I became unserious, far from it. I just realized plenty of things. Like the fact that it wasn't necessary to buy every textbook on sale just because we were asked to, nobody would beat me if I missed school, and that prayer plus hard work would work better. I stopped stressing myself. Not only that, but I could miss some lectures and still pass exams. All I needed to do was get the note from friends in class and the PDF of handouts, do my assignments and pray that it doesn't get lost or mixed up and so on.

    So what kind of student am I? Currently, I'm an easygoing, prayerful student who loves to study, I still don't attend parties, but at least I now go out with friends. Hopefully, I remain this way until I graduate!🤞🏻

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