Inmóvil.. relato Esp-Eng

in voilk •  2 months ago



    Sus dedos fríos se observan ligeramente entre las hojas humedecidas por la nieve al caer progresivamente, hay dimunitos insectos pellizcando su piel helada.

    Sus ojos abiertos se pierden en el vacío de aquella distante mirada, ella no sabe porque está hay debajo de ese montón de hojas secas y frias que ya no calientan su corazón.

    Su boca se observa agrietada y color púrpura, su delicada piel se congela cada minuto y ella aún no entiende porque no puede moverse.

    Si supiera que aquella tarde al pasear por aquel enorme parque alguien la vigilaba, la perseguía y la asechaba y ella sin poder notarlo, perdio su vida en un instante.

    Aquel golpe inesperado la llevó directo al suelo, la confusión no le permitió defenderse, aquellas manos aficciaron su último respiro y su corazón se detuvo sin permiso alguno.

    Ella pudo ver sus ojos, esa mirada fría y también pudo sentir esas manos grandes y fuertes que arrebataban su vida.

    Nadie escucho sus susurros, nadie escucho su desesperación y su vida se consumió, ella nunca entendió porque aquel hombre le arrebató su corazón.

    Su mirada distante y fija se quedo plasmada en su rostro, ahora ella ahoga su llanto en aquel suspiro interrumpido, que nadie nunca escuchará.



    Her cold fingers lightly glance through the leaves moistened by the snow as they gradually fall, tiny insects pinch her frozen skin.

    Her open eyes are lost in the emptiness of that distant gaze, she does not know why she is there under that pile of dry and cold leaves that no longer warm her heart.

    Her mouth looks cracked and purple, her delicate skin freezes every minute and she still doesn't understand why she can't move.

    If only she knew that that afternoon when she was walking through that huge park someone was watching her, chasing her and stalking her, and she lost her life in an instant without being able to notice it.

    That unexpected blow took her straight to the ground, the confusion did not allow her to defend herself, those hands took her last breath and her heart stopped without any permission.

    She could see his eyes, that cold look, and she could also feel those big and strong hands that were crushing her life.

    No one heard her whispers, no one heard her despair and her life was consumed, she never understood why that man took her heart.

    His distant and fixed gaze remained on her face, now she drowns her tears in that interrupted sigh, that no one will ever hear.

    Historia de mi autoría, genero suspenso, exclusivo para está publicación, no autorizó su modificación o uso @cirangela

    Story of my authorship, Suspense genre, exclusive for this publication, not authorized for modification or use @cirangela


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