My health lifestyle modification tips that cost me less

in voilk •  5 months ago

    You get to understand the full weight of the phrase "he's indisposed" when you fall sick. Sickness is a general term used to describe an individual's indisposition as a result of signs and symptoms. A sick individual is usually unable to carry out "effectively" the usual daily activities, and for the record, all the sick person desires is to get well and be optimal once again. Fortunately, I have never been hospitalized as an adult; however, I have had to stay back home for several days that probably ran into weeks. My most recent ailment was in September 2023, and my condition was so critical that I had to run a series of investigations.

    I received a call from a senior colleague, and when he detected I was indisposed, he asked me to seek medical attention immediately, stating that doctors and medics rarely give regard to their health. I found this to be true, as oftentimes, we act as superheroes to friends. I was taken unawares by my last ailment, and it was pretty severe, causing family and loved ones a scare. In my few years of clinical practice and experience, I can attribute a major factor that causes a poor prognosis to one's health, which I would try to exhaust by talking about here.


    Other than genetics and environment, lifestyle is a major determinant of one's health, which is grossly overlooked with little or no regard. Lifestyle with regards to health is something that can help us live better and not just exist. I will attempt to address some areas of our lifestyles that we have neglected and that require our utmost attention!

    Regular medical checkups

    There has been a significant upsurge of medical illnesses among the younger generations, which only points to the fact that our bodies are constantly exposed to risks that can adversely affect our health. Unfortunately, many of us show little regard to medical checks. This is also attributed to poor access to healthcare facilities and professionals. It is recommended that medical checks be conducted annually or biannually, especially where the means are available. A good number of disease conditions can be easily picked at random during such checkups and quickly addressed so as to prevent or cushion the progression of the disease conditions. Prevention is better than cure, and it is also less expensive. It is actually more cost-effective to prevent disease conditions that can harm us. During check-ups, the individual also enjoys counseling on lifestyle modifications, which I will attempt to discuss succinctly below.


      Healthy lifestyle

    This is quite wide to be addressed.
    Your daily life should start with drinking water and continue to the latter parts of the day. Our systems need to be refreshed often, and drinking water, in addition to maintaining body fluid levels, aids in diluting and washing away toxins. Taking breakfast is something I do not joke with, as I have fasted overnight and it would be unwise to continue the day on an empty stomach.

    Consumption of a balanced diet should be observed optimally. We often get so carried away by the haste of life that we give little or no attention to the computation of what a balanced meal should be. Many of us hardly take fruits and vegetables and oftentimes miss out on micronutrients that are beneficial to our health.

    A reduction in smoking cigarettes and consumption of alcohol is often advocated, as these are serious risk factors for health conditions such as lung cancer. Other lifestyles, such as consuming chemically processed foods, are dangerous to one's health.

    Taking evening walks, talking to people about problems, and taking adequate rest are essential lifestyle modifications that we take for granted. These are important for a balanced mental state.

    Our bodies are like machines; they give us signs when there is something wrong, but oftentimes, we are lackadaisical about seeking medical attention. Late presentations to clinics most often worsen the prognosis.

    These are not exhaustive, as conscious efforts and attention should be geared towards having a healthy lifestyle. In recent times, I have begun to take my health as a priority. Only he who is alive and well can live life.

    Thank you for reading. I would love to have your comments and contributions.

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