Ensayo #3 | Las bandas de rock son una jodida incubadora de problemas. || Rock bands are a damn breeding ground for problems. [ESP/ENG]

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Las bandas de rock son una jodida incubadora de problemas. teníamos un ensayo de 3 hora pautado desde hacia una semana. Eso quiere decir que todos estábamos claros dentro de la banda. No había lugar a dudas sobre el dia, el horario y aun asi el 70% de la banda llego tarde. Toda una falta de respeto para los que llegamos temprano, como la vocalista y yo. Y es impresionante la ligereza con la que llagaban, casi como si no hubiera pasado nada. Pero no iba a dejar que se fueran sin al menos un reclamo de mi parte. a todos les dije que no estuvo bien llegar tarde. A todos excepto al tecladista. supongo que como ya teníamos rato ensayando yo estaba en otro humor cuando el llegó. Y fue el ultimo de todos en llegar. Como una hora y media tarde mas o menos. Bueno, la cosa es que faltando 30 minutos para terminar nuestra pauta y como yo ya tenia 2 hora y media tocando propuse una pausa de 10 minutos y al tecladista se le ocurre responderme golpeado diciendo que no.

    Rock bands are a damn breeding ground for problems. We had a scheduled 3-hour rehearsal for a week. That means everyone in the band was clear. There was no doubt about the day, the time, and yet 70% of the band arrived late. A complete lack of respect for those of us who arrived early, like the vocalist and me. And it's impressive how lightly they arrived, almost as if nothing had happened. But I wasn't going to let them go without at least a complaint from me. I told everyone that it wasn't right to arrive late. Everyone except the keyboardist. I guess since we had been rehearsing for a while, I was in a different mood when he arrived. And he was the last to arrive of all. About an hour and a half late or so. Well, the thing is, with 30 minutes left to finish our schedule and since I had been playing for 2 and a half hours already, I proposed a 10-minute break, and the keyboardist decides to respond rudely saying no.

    Inmediatamente le dije que el había llegado tarde, pero yo ya tenia casi 3 horas tocando y necesitaba el descanso. Y con el descaro mas grande del mundo me dice "bueno, ve a descansar y yo toco tu guitarra". ¿Se volvió loco este carajo? Me descolgué la guitarra y le dije que no me volviera a decir algo así, salí de la sala y ahora el descanso no era una opción. Pase la arrechera abajo en un salon para fotografía. Camine un rato, respire hondo y regrese a la sala. El resto del ensayo se dio sin contratiempos y a penas dio la hora fui el primero en recoger. Justo cunado me iba el tecladista se me acercó y hablo conmigo. Se disculpó. Eso estuvo bien. No le dije nada pero le di la mano, me despedí de los demás y me fui.

    Immediately I told him that he had arrived late, but I had been playing for almost 3 hours and needed a break. And with the greatest nerve in the world, he says to me, "well, go rest and I'll play your guitar." Did this guy go crazy? I took off the guitar and told him not to say something like that to me again, I left the room and now, rest was not an option. I spent my anger down in a photography classroom. I walked for a while, took a deep breath, and returned to the room. The rest of the rehearsal went smoothly and as soon as the time came, I was the first to pick up. Just as I was leaving, the keyboardist approached me and talked to me. He apologized. That was good. I didn't say anything but shook his hand, said goodbye to the others, and left.

    Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.


    Quiero agradecer a todos los que se tomaron la molestia de acompañarme a lo largo de este Post.
    Se You Next Time


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