Economy - Thinking of distribution

in voilk •  19 days ago

    These are some long days, I have to say. I'm waiting for water to evaporate away, filter through the ground, allow me to move about easily, if you will. I'm not trapped, by all means, I could put on boots and go out, but this weather feels like an invitation to pursue other things, and thus I'm listening to the universe.


    Venturing out to the nerdy side of Youtube, I found myself listening to a chap named Gary. An economist by trade, who made his millions while his beard was still settling in, and now runs a channel attempting to share his perspective and solutions with the world.

    For now, I will declare myself but a simple padawan. But, as I dive deeper into his lessons, I feel like I've been filling in gaps in my understanding of money.

    It seems to me like Gary long ago figured out something that most economists seem to ignore--Distribution is key. A word, mind you, that us crypto folk know too well.

    At the expense of someone calling me a traitor to the cause, I have to say his argument for rethinking taxes is quite convincing. And, I should add an important detail before anyone confuses Gary for a resentful Marxist: His explanations are not emotional, nor political for that matter. They are conclusions after years of observation, years of him "playing", if you will, the markets.

    The topic of distribution should be of great interest to all of us, regardless of our political inclinations. From where I stand, a fundamental pillar of a good economic system is predicated on it being done right, of it continuing on the right path, and not allowing for resources to end up monopolized.

    I leave you with one video in the hopes that you find it as valuable as I did.

    In my opinion 25 minutes well invested.



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