X Monthly Report - February

in voilk •  5 months ago

    In what seems like less time than it is, another month has passed, so it's time to get back to the monthly report of X metrics. This month I was using the account a little more, well, interacting more, which is what I have the hardest time doing because I can use the application for a certain amount of time, but I will never do more than give likes, otherwise, I do nothing else, so this month I tried to do a little more than that, and it went well, I think, very well.

    , Here you have the graph for the whole of February and it was a marvel, I still can't believe that in total, all my interactions reached a total of 230.6k impressions in the whole month, that is, if I had more activity, the impressions would be much, much higher. But the truth is that I don't think so, at least not yet, social networks in general, don't call my attention to use them, and even if I did well this month, which means a lot, it doesn't mean so much at the same time. It's weird, I'm a weird person.

    This was the first week of February, and I was starting to change a little bit the mentality I had, so little by little I was starting to comment, interact, doing more than just give likes, see tests, and fo following, which is what I always do, and there are even many times that I don't even give like or anything, I follow along and that's it, that's how I am. With almost 13k impressions I finished this first week and thought I was doing well, I just didn't know how well I would do.

    In the second week I did much better, more than I thought, I was making many more interactions, reaching almost 67k impressions during the week, this made me start to enjoy a little the use of the application, causing me to spend more time on it than I had done throughout my life, because I have no Facebook or Instagram, so it is the last social network that I have left, I used it little, but now I use it a little more, actually, more than I would like.

    In the third week I think I spent more time on X than anywhere else, I reached a total of 120k impressions, but when I went to take the screenshot it was already down to 111k, still, I can't believe I reached that amount, and as often happens, I reached my mental limit when it comes to app usage.

    Last week I didn't use or interact much in X, I'm burnt out, I need to rest and the application doesn't let me, so that's why my impressions dropped to 47k in this last week of February. I don't know how I will do in March, I don't know what I will do this month, but I hope to get back in the mood to use the application, to keep interacting, and maybe try not to be a ghost account anymore.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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