We found the Plague, or did they found us?

in voilk •  4 months ago

    A villager found an alternative way to get in which I used to get here though it was on plain sight so I'm confused why he noticed it after all this time. As villagers might catch and kill them, they ran in the church and locked the door from inside.

    After killing some peoples in self defense, the brother understood the importance of being close to his sister and the sister understood the importance of taking care of her brother and we are in the third chapter now and that is Retribution.

    A Plague Tale Innocence: Retribution

    The brother and sister took shelter inside the church without knowing for how long they're safe there but it looked quite safe inside there as they didn't have any rush to leave it.

    Now after getting close to the statue, Hugo was asking why there were candles and Amicia replied the candles are to show that someone is thinking of somebody. Taking permission of the elder sis, Hugo lit a candle remembering his daddy and mummy.

    Then after noticing a door was blocked in the church to stop someone/something from getting in or out, we started looking for a way to get out and Hugo noticed the broken door and the ladder there which was our ticket to go outside.

    The first time they used a ladder, it broke down so Hugo was asking Amicia if it's gonna break down as well or not and Amicia said it won't fall.

    Coming out of the church, we noticed the father Clervie mentioned. As soon as he noticed us, he asked us to leave as its dangerous saying we don't have any business being here and he went inside his room without listening to us.

    But we had to talk to him no matter what happens so we were going through the orphanage which looked devastated as if something terrible happened there.

    When we reached the open space where the father was seen a moment ago, Hugo ran seeing flowers as they seemed pretty to him and he plucked a flower and gifted it to his sister, how cute!

    Reaching Father Thomas, Amicia was trying to say something but the father kept asking them to leave the place and then Amicia shouted a little and requested to help them at least for the boy and the father then noticed the locked on the neck of the boy.

    Amicia told him they were children of Robert and that they were looking for Laurentius. Now the father recognized them and said he also knows that Laurentius used to look after their family and he said he can't leave the church be he can get them to an exit through the Crypt of the Three Saints and he was hoping its not too late.

    Father Thomas said he'll try to put them on the path to Laurentius's farm but after that, they're on their own. Saying that, the father asked them to follow him and asked us to be sure to stay in the light.

    We started following him keeping close and staying in the light and the whole place looked so dark. On their way, Amicia asked father why there's cross on the villagers doors and the father replied that it started with bites during the night, then the sickness spread, first in families and then to everyone.

    Now they reached the chamber where a brother named Morel should be found but no one was replying to the father so he handed the torch over to Amicia and went to look for brother Morel asking them to stay behind.

    The father was walking forwards slowly with his broken leg when the it was pin silent but suddenly Hugo was hearing pitch sound and was not feeling well so Amicia called the father and he looked at them.

    The fire of all candles went out and there were coming countless big-sized rats towards the father and the moment before they showed up, it was really scary. I knew this concept so I understood what was coming but for those who plays this game without knowing anything about it, they should get real surprised. Though I was also surprised witnessing the whole thing.

    Poor father tried to run towards the light but his legs were not okay and the rats got him before he got to the light and they killed him in a very short time. Amicia was not aware of this situation so she got scared and didn't come to save him though it was already late.

    The rats then surrounded them from all around and Amicia was using the torch to scare them away. It looked like only fire could make the rats not getting to them.

    This scene was scary for both of them and Amicia didn't understand what to do. This is the plague that the title of the game mentioned. And these rats killed the dog of Amicia in the beginning. Now they're stuck in there having a torch in hand and countless rats were waiting round them to eat them alive, can I save them from the plague?

    That's all for now. I'll write about more of this story again soon. Be safe till we meet again.
    Au revoir/Goodbye.

    All the screenshots are my take from my play using the in-game photo mode and I tried canva to edit the thumbnail.

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