ESP/ENG Diligencias con mi hermano | Errands with my brother

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Hace un par de días, salí con mi hermano para hacer unas compras, me dijo que lo acompañará y yo ni corta ni perezosa dije que sii jajaja

    Fuimos al centro de la ciudad, a una tienda donde habíamos visto ofertas y compramos allo unas franelas tipo oversized luego fuimos a otras tiendas en busca de jeans negros, hasta que por fin conseguimos uno que fuera de su talla, a su gusto y negro! 😅

    Yo aproveché y también hice unas compras que tenía pendiente jeje ya se nos habías hecho súper tarde y estábamos muertos de hambre, por lo que decidimos comer algo por allí pero para evitar comer en cualquier puesto de comida, optamos por comer en pollo cool.

    Pedimos dos hamburguesas de pollo Krispy, acompañadas de papitas fritas, la cual estaba muy buenas aunque las papitas no tan crocantes. La atención estuvo super bien, ya que los mismos encargados nos llevaron el pedido a la mesa, y fuero muy serviciales y atentos.

    Luego de allí, echamos gasolina y mi hermano me dejo en casa de mi novio dónde quedé súper exhausta. Pero que valió la pena acompañar y compartir con mi hermano

    English version

    A couple of days ago, I went out with my brother to do some shopping, he told me that he would go with him and I didn't hesitate to say yes hahaha

    We went to the center of the city, to a store where we had seen offers and we bought some oversized flannels then we went to other stores in search of black jeans, until we finally found one that was his size, to his liking and black! 😅

    I took advantage and also made some purchases that I had pending hehe, we were already super late and we were starving, so we decided to eat something there but to avoid eating at any food stand, we opted to eat at pollo cool.

    We ordered two Krispy chicken burgers, accompanied by fries, which were very good although the fries were not so crispy. The service was super good, since the same managers brought our order to the table, and they were very helpful and attentive.

    After there, we got gas and my brother dropped me off at my boyfriend's house where I was super exhausted. But it was worth accompanying and sharing with my brother

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