WEEK #200: The Meaning of Life and My Purpose!

in voilk •  3 months ago

    It's another weekend, which means another exciting engagement topic was given. So today, it's my pleasure to answer and respond to one of @galenkp's topics.

    Define the meaning of life as you know it or believe it to be, and what you feel "your purpose" is. Remember to use your own photos.

    Life Depends on How you Look at it.

    Existence comprises various aspects, and comprehending them all can vary based on one's level of knowledge and comprehension.

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    Some think of life as a stage, a war, a test, or a game. No matter what it is, life presents challenges. Life is a puzzle, a journey, and a chance to take on new challenges. Even though there are no assurances that your dreams will come true, you still need to work toward them.

    Nothing is perfect, so errors, problems, and setbacks will inevitably occur. Because things will change, you will need to develop adaptability skills. For this reason, education is crucial. There are countless things you can accomplish in life. Still, you are what makes you unique.

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    Meaning is something you create. You fight and run at different times and must develop your fighting and running skills. You can be duped occasionally, and your beliefs can occasionally be incorrect, the greatest challenge in life is ignorance. Learning becomes the most critical source of power. Knowledge is a prison. Understanding will set you free.

    Being alive is the experience of life.

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    All individuals begin life with no options. You have no say over who your parents are, where you are born, whether you will be a man or a woman, whether you will be healthy and attractive, whether you will have access to clean water and food, whether you will live in a safe and secure home, or whether you will receive a good education.

    Beyond that, everything in life is mainly determined by chance. Why would fate and chance greatly influence something as extraordinary as life?

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    More education is still needed to improve people's chances of leading fulfilling lives and provide equal opportunity for all. We can only improve our chances and possibilities if people have access to information and educational resources, even though nothing is guaranteed and nothing is entirely within our control. Otherwise, life devolves to a game of chance, which is not what it is meant to be.

    The key is understanding.

    It should come as no surprise that my life is fantastic because life is generally impressive. This is not to deny that I experienced terrible things; I did. Life is more impressive the more you understand about it. In life, both positive and negative experiences occur. However, how those experiences are balanced and how much of them you have can significantly impact your life. The secret is never to stop learning. Discover how to steer clear of negative experiences and increase the frequency of positive ones.


    An exciting experience is an adventure. It is a daring project complete with risk and uncertainty. It was a difficult voyage. It's learning. It's an outing. It's an undertaking. It's an investigation. It's an adventure. It's a bridge. It is moving across. It is a journey. Something hazardous exists. It's incredibly thrilling. It is a wonder. You're investigating your fears. It's a grave matter. It's motivating. It's an ultimate encounter. It's a contest. It's an unexpected and surprising development. An unusual occurrence. It's a shift in your life or a shift in your course. It's making contact. in search of sensation. It's novel or distinct, and that only happens occasionally. Life is an adventure. It's like an adventure in life.

    "We should give meaning to life and not wait for life to give us meaning" - "Seize the Day"

    Millions of individuals have added significance and meaning to their lives. Thus, if we carry on in this manner, we will ultimately discover the purpose of life and understand it.

    The ultimate goal of life is to have a fantastic experience. But life seems to have no meaning or purpose when things are difficult or intolerable. Perhaps suffering is only an unintended consequence of our ignorance rather than a part of the original design. But you have to know what is terrible to know what is good. Life's dark side aims to help us appreciate its bright side. We are responsible for figuring out the best method to absorb this vital life lesson.

    "The Purpose of Life is a Life of Purpose" (Robert Byrne) - Will Power

    Your actions at any given time determine your purpose in life; you don't find it elsewhere. Having an objective and understanding why you're pursuing it is more important. Answering the question of what the purpose of life is would be too general, so it is not even a question. Life is, after all, a conglomeration of various things serving various purposes.

    There are moments when I feel like I'm just riding along.

    Generally speaking, being a passenger is simple; occasionally, it's even fun and soothing. Eventually, though, you will need to take control of your life. Although life is not a car, it is nonetheless quite risky. I am still determining what it would be like to be in charge of everything that occurs or will occur in life.

    Knowing my purpose in life as an educator.


    For me, the objective is a strong sense of self. It gives life meaning, motivates us to take action, and gives us more vigour when we walk.

    It's also the emotion that hits you while you're occupied with going through the routine tasks. You know, that unstoppable draw sometimes accompanied by a whisper inside...

    For what purpose is it all there?
    What brings me here?
    Is there something more significant than myself?

    Purpose is a simple word with a profoundly layered meaning. Unlike a goal, a purpose has no defined boundaries or a precise end date. It can't be achieved by hitting a KPI, milestone, or external validation.

    Humans are gifted with the capacity to reflect on and make sense of our lives. This is why so many of us are drawn to the need to give our lives meaning.

    Unravelling our purpose takes some digging, but those who have uncovered their purpose often report a higher mental and physical well-being.

    You are here to uncover the layers and discover your life's work as an educator, which is why you are here.

    My goal in being a teacher.

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    Discovering your passion is identifying what ignites your soul. What makes you feel the happiest and most fulfilled? And while you're at it, how does that benefit others?

    Leading is similar to teaching. During the study period, teachers guide their students toward achieving their objectives. Supporting my students and inspiring them to pursue their dreams is a great honour. The primary motivation for selecting education as a career path is to uphold Allah's teachings and preserve the earth. Since only educated people can raise a nation, I will inform my students about current events that may be relevant to my course. Thanks to this, students will be able to make a connection between what they learn in class and global events.

    I decided to become a teacher because I believe that education is essential to a nation's growth and prosperity. I aspire to become an educator and contribute significantly to the rebirth of my community. In addition, I have always had a passion for teaching and dreamed of becoming one. My profound conviction that educators have the power to impact students' lives significantly is the source of my strong teaching motivation.

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    "It's not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something." – Winston S. Churchill.

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