Learning From the Experienced: Recreating the Economy that Long Existed [Part 4]

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Learning, they say, never ends and learning when it comes to life affairs, both warfare and welfare, it is of great importance that one get acquainted with the necessary knowledge from the experienced, knowing what they did wrong and how to correct that when such knocks at their door and also following suit what it takes to perfect about the knowledge they have gathered.

    Of all successes recorded by any activity one engages in, be it about finance, economy, management, family issues or any kind at all, the most successes came from those that took their time to understand where they were headed, ask questions ahead of time, and prepare following the advice and instructions gotten from the experienced of such. This justifying the already-known adage that to before war is to before armed.

    Subsequently, we have been on the series of recreating the economy we have already known to be a better and more promising one and we have been talking about various subtopics under them that are helpful to one to recreate the long existing economy to be a more rewarding one. Today we are talking about knowledge and the implication of learning from the experienced so as to foster a recreated economy for the better. From the already established preamble about this subtopic, let's quickly dive into it.

    The Quotation of Learning to achieving Success

    There is absolutely nothing in life that substitutes learning and the price of ignorance is something that acquiring knowledge can solve at ease. It isn't enough to have the willpower to think things out and presume they can be done at ease; rather, it is enough to not just think about them but to acquire the knowledge that can settle thoughts at ease once and for all.

    Linking this to the process of recreating a better economy through learning from the experienced, just like we all have role models and people we look up to most especially when it comes to challenges we are about to face or actually facing currently, normal brain reasoning as far as success is concerned demands that one go to and learn from the experienced so as to know how to position himself or herself for a better output to come from the challenge. Seeing what the economy has turned into lately, there are people who, inspite of that, are still cashing out big time. The knowledge and right brain work in here demands that those suffering the harsh output of the economy don't just sit down and pray things work out well alone without doing the needful. Going to learn and understand the secrete behind those turning the darkness of the economy to light and applying what has been taught is the right key to bringing the necessary payroll of economic crises to life.

    The Quotation of learning to success says that it is the totality of everything needed for a breakthrough to success. One cannot just see to the right track of things from the wrong if learning hasn't been attributed to it. Learning surrounds and gives the necessary shape of things for better handling and also good productivity.

    Applying What has been Learnt

    The more rewarding and achieving way to show that one has learnt something is by showing it for the benefit of solving problems. It isn't enough to be under the tutorship of someone for years or months of drilling and it all ends there without having to show it off for the world to see what you have become lately.

    Applying this to the recreating of the economy, the bad economy that presumably we are into will get worse if nothing is done about it. To solve this, we must first understand why and how we got here, what we misplaced and the attention we didn't give to things that mattered, more or less like a misplaced priority. Then, we must learn from countries and specialists that have once gotten into the present mess we are in and how they tackled it, learn from them and apply what we learnt to ourselves. If such is done, the lost glory will be found.

    Thanks for stopping by friends, do have a lovely day ahead.

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