Understanding Earth Fragility & Prioritizing Conservation.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    I have always believed that ignorance is one of the problems we are facing in the world today, but sometimes I ask myself again if it's truly ignorance or if the human race just chooses to turn a blind eye to anything that has to do with the well-being of the earth.

    There is something many people don't understand because if we do, we will all dedicate more resources than we are doing to keep the earth in good shape. Earth is our home, not just that luxury house we spend millions building. The only reason why that luxury house of yours is still standing is because the earth still allows it, and if someday our actions destroy the earth more than we have done, there wouldn't be a place to call home.

    I was surfing the internet sometimes last year when I saw a video of how flood was tearing down luxury houses and washing expensive cars off the road, and the only question that struck my mind was, "When will the human race learn?" I agree that the world can't be the same as it was a decade ago. There has to be growth and development because our population and demands are increasing every day, but should it be at the expense of the earth?

    Every day, we pile pressure on Earth, unaware that we are slowly losing our home. Deforestation, illegal discharge of waste, mining, and many other human activities are wreaking havoc on our home, and the most annoying thing is that the people who are meant to take these things seriously are the ones causing the damage since they are making money from the deteriorated condition of the earth; they do not care because they can afford a shelter on Mars.

    We can't blame the people who have industries only because we all have a hand in this mess. It's unfortunate that there are no concrete laws to protect the earth from its abusers, and the government's involvement is nothing to write home about since they are getting their returns while the earth is crumbling slowly.

    We might not be able to stop all these things they are doing individually, but we can play our part in setting things right to some extent.

    One of the ways I contribute to earth conservation is by reducing, reusing, and recycling, which is open to everyone. The amount of waste the world generates daily is too much, and this is because we don't see any good coming out of our waste.

    Over the years, practicing the three "R's" has helped reduce my waste a lot. Paper, plastic, and polythene bags are primarily the physical waste every human generates daily, and I have been able to make good use of them other than just flinging them around.

    A craft I made with old papers

    Reusing plastic bags and bottles is very possible, and we don't need skills to manage them. There was a time that I always bought a shopping bag whenever I went shopping in the local market, and one day, I looked at my store and realized I had lots of bags in there. Instead of buying a new bag now, I make sure I reuse these bags. The same thing applies to bottles and papers; we can use them for storage, crafts, and many other things.

    I use mine for crafts, which I also give to people for them to realize that some good can also come out of waste. When I don't have anything to do with these things or when I have them in excess, I give them out to people who reuse or recycle them.

    Here is a chandelier I made from carton

    Managing our waste properly is beneficial to us in different ways;

    • When we reduce our consumption of these things, there is less pressure on industries to produce more, and with that, the pressure on the earth to give us more raw materials will automatically reduce.
    • Managing waste properly can help generate money, and a lot of countries are even doing it in a more advanced way. Here in Nigeria, there are people who buy the waste, and they are everywhere on the street.

    • Recycling also puts less pressure on the earth, and it's a win-win for every human.

    Let's understand that humans wouldn't exist without the earth, so whatever good we are doing to the earth is for our sake. Every day, we hear news about different disasters that we haven't experienced before, and climate change is also hitting us really hard.

    Aren't these signs enough to call our actions to the pressing need of caring for our home?

    The earth has a voice, and it speaks with its actions. We can choose to continue ignoring it or start making a change in our environment. It's impossible for one man to treat the pain that we have caused the earth, but it's very possible for you and me to influence someone. Imagine what it would be like if this influence expanded beyond our streets and community. It's important that we all play a part.

    I really wish every Earth Day could be made a public holiday for people to be educated about the deteriorating state of the earth. It would probably open our eyes more to the damage we are causing.

    Happy Earth Day

    One of the lamps I made from scrap

    All Images Belong To Me

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