I've Been Tricked In A Mall

in voilk β€’Β  6 months ago

    Thank God it's Friday @asean.hive community it's been a while πŸ˜” I've hated my self for being so inactive. I'm losing my track, I sometimes overthink and holding myself back. Im not like this before, to everyone who knows me; you know that I'd never missed a post on hive specially to this wonderful community. But it somehow happens and I need to cure myself because it gets worst.

    For my today's post let me share you what happened to me last year. I was tricked in the mall, me and my son was heading home to our water world. But I need to sell a phone from my mom. I thought she'll gave us money, we brought her big shrimps and fish. I was also the one who cooked it, I expected to much. But we also need to understand her situation. Besides we got something in her house like stuff toy, clothes, bag and 2 kind of cellphone. By the time we went to my mom's house I was really in need of a spare phone. Luckily she had, but there was a code and she can't remember it. That what makes it harder to used, while the other πŸ˜” I was again expecting too much. What I did is to post the keypad phone online. My price was $4.47 negotiable it also cones with a free charger. The money that I'll have I'll used it to unlocked the other phone so it can be used by my son.


    But nobody bought it there were lot of comments but not sure buyer. Then I decided to bring it on the mall near the bus station. I asked the guard where's the gadget station he said 4th floor. While climbing up a lady pulled me and said I'll fixed you're eyebrows and it's free. At first I hesitate to come, but she pointed her stomach and told me she was pregnant she'll not fool me.





    I was a bit enjoying at the moment πŸ˜ƒ I didn't remember when was the last time someone fixed my face LoL πŸ˜†. The pregnant lady and her friend asked us where are we going because we have a big bag. I told them Im going to sell a phone, they look interested and asked what model it is. I said it was just a keypad they said it's already face out 😞 I'll be having a hard time selling it. I already knew that but I don't want to go home nothing to bring for my kids. It's not bad if I gave it a try.

    A few minutes later the make up was already done and why I don't have the finished product of myself. Because she was asking me money to pay her $3.57 includes the magic eyeliner. I told her I'm not going to buy it because I don't have any money. She's still insisting that I need to pay her service $1.78. *I almost got mad, I told the pregnant lady; in the first you said it was free just for trial so I said yes! You know what she told me; that's our job to tricked people πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ§πŸ»β€β™€οΈ. I said I'm still not paying you! From her first offer $3.57 she asked me $0.89. I'm still not convinced my son told me his going to pay it, I said no you saw me earlier I refuse to buy a eyeliner worth $0.53 and now I'm going to pay them. No! So she said $0.35 to close the deal, if she wasn't pregnant she'll have nothing from me even cents.



    We wasn't able to sell the phone but it went on good hands. A worthy owner, and to those who fool me they'll have nothing even conscience, my life is hard too but I don't want to fool anyone. I know that every hard work pays off πŸ’ͺ🏻

    Thank you so much for reading
    Much love, @usagigallardo015

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