What online scam is and how you can guide yourself from scammers

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Who is a scammer and what is his or her work?

    A scammer is said to be someone who cheats or make money through deceiving people,they are other wise called deceivers.

    Their work is to collect money from people without their knowledge.

    They are also a smart set of people, because they have so many ways they tend to lure people into giving them money.

    There are so many variaties of scammers but we want to talk about the one that is now the order of the day, everyone in the world today are really suffering from it.
    It is also said to be worldwide.

    This is the online scam(scammers).

    Off course online has to do with the internet which is derived from technology.

    Internet has gone very viral in the world today that even a little girl of 7 years old is begging the mom to get a phone for her,now tell me, what the hell is she using the phone to do? To browse or what?

    Another girl of 10 years old was caught watching pornographic videos with the phone that was bought for her just two days before. What a world??

    My question now is why will a reasonable parents buy a smart phone for a girl that is just 10 years of age??

    Is it proper?? Getting a phone for your child isn't bad but allow the child to become atleast 18 and above before getting his or her own personal phone for him,tell the child if him or her wants to browse he should come to u and collect ur phone as his parents rather than promoting pornography.

    Children are being influenced more by the things the see in their eyes and they can become corrupt even without the knowledge of their parents,so please parents take precautions in this regard.
    In this case we can say technology has done more harm than good especially to children.

    Now back to the topic of the day, online scam(Scammers).

    In the world today, online scammers are all over the internet, just like we explained earlier they tend to collect money from people without their knowledge.But am glad that today, people's eyes are opening and only but few are falling victims of their trap.

    Online scamming has to do with internet.

    We have Yahoo which is no now the water every young boy in the society want to drink.
    No body wants to suffer again,they need quick money.

    People who involve in this Yahoo go for training in a place they call HK, there in HK are people who now have certificate in Yahoo and scamming people.

    This set of Yahoo people also use laptops and phones to access people and scam them.

    Yahoo has become the order of the day that they even involve souls who they kill and this is called Yahoo +.

    Young girls too today are really falling victims.

    Few days ago,as I was coming BK from campus to my lodge, a Lexus 300 car drove carelessly that it almost knocked me down but thank God I jumped into the gutter and save my life first, inside the gutter I was watching what his next line of action would be.

    There was a beautiful lady he gave a lift with the car, so when he stopped the car, the lady came down,he also gave the Iady a sum of money,but one thing i didn't understand is that I never saw the face of the driver till he left,his car is a tinted glass car.

    After he left, not even up to a pole distance,the lady he dropped started removing her clothes,her wig,her slipper and so on.
    Omo at this point I was confused,until she finally ran mad.

    People said the Yahoo boy that dropped her has collected her destiny and everything in her,at this point I jumped out of the gutter and listened carefully to rumors.

    People came from far and near just to witness her madness.
    Chaii,this world is Soo wicked.
    And this is a good advice for ladies today who engage in hookup or prostitution.
    U don't know who is who,u might not fall a victim yet but I tell you as long as u keep doing that work u must fall a victim.

    Ladies should also mind the kind of guys they are dating, be sure of what exactly he does for a living and don't just date someone u met online or know nothing about.

    This world is full of wickedness.
    Another kind of online scam is using business and I have once fall a victim of that particular one. Whr u see people telling you to use #100 and make 2million, or even help a sick person by sending him or her money not knowing that was just a mere picture and that the user is very sound and healthy and then using the pictures to collect money from people.

    One faithful day,as I was scrolling down the
    Internet and that is Facebook pricisely and then I met a picture of a Nollywood Actor who I cannot remember his name, his picture shows that he is having a kidney failure and needs a kidney transplant immediately. I felt pity for him that I transferred my least 5k to the account number I saw. At that point I was happy I was counted among those who helped the man.

    After some hours of running the transfer, my dad called me and asked if I see something like this that they are scammers because he knows that once I have I must help people,omo to my greatest surprise I just gave a scammer money and I have been scammed.but I never told my Dad I have already given them money to avoid getting a slap,it was just within myself but is well.

    So what are my saying in essence??
    Internet is full of fraud which some are still falling victims till today, but it's high time people wake up and realized that they are scammers, sometimes too someone's acct might be hacked and people will be using it to collect money from the person's friend claiming they are sick or something.

    There are so many ways online scammers use just to achieve their goal.

    Please my people let's be very careful.

    Scammers please pity for us and also get urself a legit work to do, people u may scam today might cause u from the deepest part of their hearts in pains and it must surely come to pass if u don't know.

    All images are from free image site pixabay

    Thumbnail image from pixabay

    Second image from pixabay

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