Working forty hours a week to make others rich.

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Time is finite and it's up to us how we spend it. Every week has just 168 hours and if you spend 40 hours working and another 5 commuting then that's a big portion of your time.

    That's 1/4 of your whole week given up to work. Another 1/3 in bed and you don't have much left over for yourself.

    The biggest scam in the world is convincing everyone to work for 60 years straight while saving up to finally be free for the last ten years. But it's not real freedom since you are now already old and have health issues form the years of hard work. All that time which could have been better spent but taken up by work.

    How many employees do Facebook have? Amazon or Twitter/tesla? IT's not the CEO's doing the work. They rely on thousands of people working on low wages to create their value. If jeff Bezos took his 205B fortune and doubled the pay of every employee would it even make a dent. At 1.5M employees worldwide he could give them all an extra 10,000 this year and it would only be 7.5% of his net worth. I'm sure that most of the people working in the supply centers need it a lot more than he does.

    But that's not how it works. They will work forty hours plus every week creating value for his company for all of the value to flow upwards to the top table.

    a lot of these people will take on debt early in life to try and create a better life but only end up working to service those debts for decades.

    In some countries you have college loans. Not here fortunately but it's a big problem in the states. Then you get a car loan to start working. Work for a few years and get a mortgage. Maybe a nicer car on credit.

    So your working hard every week. Get a decent wage in the door but it's decimated from debt. Paying for a car that you don't need and a house that can be too big.

    People tend to live outside of their means in this social world where everybody is judged on what they can put in a picture.

    It would make a lot more sense to buy a basic car for cash. A smaller house with low payments and a lifestyle that isn't filled with fakeness and store bought crap.

    It's a vicious cycle of working and spending. Very hard to get out of when your stuck in the middle of it and one where the odds are stacked against you. Workplaces don't want you getting out. Governments don't want you getting ahead.

    Whether it's orchestrated or not there is an elite faction at the top of the wealth scale and it suits them to keep people down on the poverty line. Big business and politicians are hand in hand.

    The government rules in favor of these businesses and these businesses fund the politicians.

    It only works if there is a poorer set of people who owe money to the elite. It keeps us in our place and keeps the world turning in their favor.

    To break out takes a lot of effort and making the right choices time after time to build up funds. The only way to get into the upper circle is with money and the only way to get money by generating money. Passive income or profitable business.

    If you stay working your whole life you will probably get to a comfortable stage but too late to enjoy it fully. When your old and the kids have already gone.

    There is more to life than working so the best time to break the cycle is right now. Start making smart moves and plan to escape the employee trap.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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