A Day in My Life Blog: We have another Successful Overnight Prayer this Month of April 2024 πŸ₯°πŸ€—πŸ˜‡

in voilk β€’Β  3 months ago

    Have a Blessed Day to all ASEAN Hivers and all my Fellow Hivers all over the World! πŸ˜‡

    Greetings to all my friends here in the community and to all the admins who have on supporting me until now.

    Today is another day for me to share my newest "A Day in my Life " blog post. The month of April is again about to end and this month I have been doing lots of activities some of which I have already shared here in the community and on the hive platform as a whole. I just thank God for those activities, He always guides me and strengthens me to do all of it for His glory alone.

    Our activity that I am about to share is our Overnight Prayer. This activity is a monthly event where we gathered together in prayer and we usually held it in different churches that were assigned to hold the said event. We just thank God for we were consistent every month to do this event for the glory of God.

    It was supposed to be happening every last Friday of the month but since the Friday this month is very much busy with a conference some of our Senior Pastors will attend, we made it happen last Friday, it is the third Friday of the month.

    Together with my Aunt, we just arrived at the church where our overnight prayer will be happening and that is here at Abundant Life. It was about 8:00 in the evening but we were the first to arrive as some were coming.

    After a while, some of the Pastors and members who will join the overnight already came and then we started it immediately. It started with opening songs and opening prayers. Some of us also shared some life testimonies that are very inspiring to all of us, proving how good and amazing our God is.

    After the sharing of life testimonies, it was then followed by praise and worship. This time one of these Church worship leaders led the praise and worship to God and we thanked God for all the songs we sang to Him as we felt His presence.

    We make this moment or this time to express our feelings and thanksgiving to God as that is what we do to God while we are still living in this world.

    The last part will be one of the most important parts of this overnight prayer, the Word of God. The one who shared God's Word is not the Host Pastor but his daughter who came away from Manila and just recently arrived.

    What she shared with us is very important to us, as she shared the importance of prayer and why we need to pray. Many bible characters she make as examples just like David and a lot more where we can get some lessons from them about prayer.

    It was already 11:30 when she finished sharing God's Word and then immediately followed by our prayer sessions. I didn't get some photos as I was already busy at the moment but I can say that we have made this moment we have left to draw closer to God in prayers.

    We have lots of prayer items from International, National, Local, and even from our personal prayer items. We do believe that God will answer all our prayers as He is our faithful God. We had lots of other activities like our midnight snacks before we left and went home.

    This would be all for today's post and until next time again and I just want to thank everyone in advance will dropping by on my post.

    To God be all the Glory! πŸ˜‡πŸ™Œβ˜οΈ

    Your Friend


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