Why I'm searching for a new job 🤨

in voilk •  4 months ago

    I have to say, I feel envious of people who have figured out the kind of direction that they are going in their life or an aspect of their life. A while ago, I searched the internet for new job vacancies. And why is that? It's because I'm no longer motivated to keep up with the demands of my job. It was 10 months ago when I accepted this job offer and felt like this was the company that I would be working with for the next 5 years (at least). During the first 6 months of my service to the company, I felt motivated to make things work for the company to earn a good profit. In this way, the company will be able to sustain its operation and also have a good chance to grow even further.


    It felt satisfying that I was able to contribute to the company's sustenance and growth as well. However, right after the 6-month mark, I felt the motivation was slowly fading off in the past 4 months. The excitement to go to work has become painfully dialed down. It worried me at some point because it seemed like I wasn't giving my all when compared to my first few months in the company.

    Previously, going to work gave me the excitement to learn and be able to work out solutions for the issues that I'm facing. Nowadays, learning about the issues has become annoying and my mind no longer functions in such a manner that it used to. All I have right now are thoughts of getting through the day so I can be home to do stuff other than my job.

    I remember during the first few months in my job, I would even work during weekends just to catch up with the demands at work. It didn't feel stressful. I felt a sense of achievement whenever I accomplished good progress with my extra effort. I guess this is what they call "rot" or a "state of boredom".

    Is this normal? I guess it's normal for someone to feel bored or demotivated at work for many reasons.

    One of them is that the remuneration doesn't feel rewarding anymore. The sense of achievement has already been replaced with stress and annoyance towards work. It's not a good position since it will turn your eagerness towards work into a daily nightmare.

    Another reason that I think is a contributor to this feeling is because of the work environment. That will include the co-workers. This is probably the most annoying part of working in a company. There will always be people who will make things difficult for you to accomplish your task. They do it through physical, emotional, and even psychological means. These are the difficult issues to deal with in a work environment.

    It will always make you feel that your job is meant for you and you have to look for another one to replace it. That's exactly how I feel right now. It's annoying that I can't just shake it off and I have yet to learn how to deal with this kind of situation at work.

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