Random Digital Art 451

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello good afternoon everyone, all of you my friends and family here on Strar Community and also on Hive. How are you all today? I hope you are all having fun today, and everythign that you do is moving so nicely.

    Welcome back to my random digital art series, and today this is my random digital art series number 451. I hope you are still enjoy my random art work.

    for today's random digital art I utilized only one fractal element to make this random digitl art for today. at first I want to use other element, but when I combine it in Adobe Photoshop, it turns out quite nice just with itself, so I decided to give it a try and play with one fractal element only.

    the result is this what appear to be the alien magnetic field. Not sure what it is, it is transmitting magnetic or electro magnetic radiation whcih moving away from each other.

    I hope you all like my work today, and see you again tomorrow. Cherrs

    This is the only fractal element that I use to make this random digital art today.

    These are the application that I use to make this random digital art series, I might use on element from the following applications, or simply combine them all to make this art.

    1. Aphophysis 2.09 the older version where I first learn how to make fractal
    2. Aphophysis7X the newer version of the app to produce fractal art.
    3. Bomomo abstract application is a web based application to make abstract art.
    4. inkscape application, to make the vector art.
    5. Adobe photoshop to combine those element to make the final random digital art version.
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