My mother's determination and my father's passion for reading.

in voilk •  5 months ago

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    My father figure has been absent in my life. However, despite his absence, I know that somehow I carry something of him with me, just as I carry in me the legacy of my mother, who had to play the role of father and mother at the same time.

    From my father, I inherited his passion for reading. Although I did not have the opportunity to share moments with him to talk about books or exchange literary recommendations, I feel that this love for reading is something that flows in my veins thanks to him. Reading has helped me develop my creativity, expand my mind and find refuge in words during difficult times. For me, reading is a trait that I deeply value and that has been a great help in life.

    There have been countless times that I have lived adventures in foreign countries, I have studied a lot, I have known foreign customs, I have lived the history of the creation of the world, I met the dinosaurs, I have been on other planets, I have fought for the emancipation of my country, I have tried to learn other languages, I have become addicted to movies, I have known great empires, I have appreciated the goodness of human beings and abhorred evil, I have delved into the emotions and feelings of people, all this thanks to reading books and newspapers since I was a child.


    On the other hand, from my mother I inherited her determination and inner strength. Raising me alone was not an easy task for her, but she always stood firm and fought to provide us with a decent life, the best possible education, and the implantation of values that have helped me to develop in life.

    That strength that he carried within him, the same strength he passed on to me, has driven me to keep going in times of adversity, to not give up in the face of difficulties and to have faith that I can overcome any obstacle that comes my way.

    Many times I have made mistakes and given in to my stubbornness, but inside me I hear a voice telling me to keep going, not to faint and above all to learn from my mistakes.

    Both traits, passion for reading and determination, have been fundamental pillars in my life. They have helped me to grow as a person, to face challenges with courage and not to give up in the pursuit of my dreams. These are characteristics that I value and pass on to my daughter. I believe that inheriting these positive traits from my parents is a priceless gift, and I would be proud to be able to share them with the next generation.


    Although my father's absence has left a void in my life, I know that I carry some of him with me through my love of reading. And my mother's strength and determination have been the compass that has guided me through the toughest of times. I am grateful for the traits I have inherited from my parents, and especially those of my mother that have allowed me to be a good father and a good husband.

    Happy beginning of the week to all, this is my proposal for the topic:

    From My Mom And Dad: Apart from looks, tell us one trait or characteristics you got from your father, and then one that you got from your mother. How has this helped you in life? Is this something you enjoy and you would love to pass on to your kids? Let us know.

    I look forward as always to reading your comments and excellent posts about this topic.

    The first image is a collage made with the graphic editor program Canva, the pictures are my own, being taken with my Umidigi F2 cell phone (books) and my Casio digital camera (the day of my wedding).

    The second and third images are my property and were taken with my Iphone4 cell phone.

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