A beginner s guide to reading the Bible | The Old Path

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    A beginner s guide to reading the Bible | The Old Path (Topic Review)

    Scriptures: Hebrews 7:12

    As a beginner or a new convert starting off to read the bible, it is advisable that you start from the New Testament. At this stage, you need to know what God has done for you through Christ Jesus. Having just giving your life to Christ, you need to know more about the person of Jesus who you just surrendered your life to.

    You need to be inducted into His doctrines. The Old testament orchestrated the path of the people in the times past. But when the New Testament was brought up, somethings about the laws were changed.

    Hebrews 7:12 - For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.

    The New Testament brought about some changes of certain laws that were observed in the time past. This doesn't necessarily mean that you should neglect the Old Testament. Both the Old and New Testament are important in the lives of a believer. But the best way to start off is to begin with New Testament where we see our inheritances and privileges as Christians.

    The word "Christian" was first seen in the New Testament. It wasn't found in the Old Testament. As a Christian it is wise to know more about your new identify first and all that it entails. After doing that, you can then go over to the Old Testament. Another important to note is that when reading the bible, you should not rush it.

    Try as much as possible to understand it instead of rushing it. You can set a target of covering certain number of chapters in a day. Over time, you'll end up covering the whole books in the bible.

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