Watercolour Artist I Am Not - Day 40 - The 100 Day Project

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Some days doing The 100 Day Project feels like a bit of a chore. Right now Day 40 is feeling that way but that's because I have a lot on my mind.

    This afternoon we'll be picking up the grandkids from school. Tomorrow we leave at the crack of dawn for a long weekend in France. So, I have much to prepare for that and I have an hour long whatsapp call mid morning. It's hard to get into a creative space when my mind is full of arrangements.

    I'm hoping that will change when I get myself into the attic. The plan is to create something, have my call, clean and close up the attic and then get back downstairs and pack etc.

    And somewhere along the line . . . finish this post.

    Let's see how it goes . . .

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    Well, it didn't go too well when I first got into the attic. There was a lot of faffing around and no creativity. Then my call got brought forward which, at least, saved me from more faffing.

    When that was done I just picked a random video and decided to follow along. I chose one that used watercolour for a change as I don't use that much. Rosanna bought me an artist grade set a couple of weeks ago and this would be their debut.

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    First step, find some watercolour paper, scrunch up some white tissue paper, flatten it and then glue it to the watercolour paper leaving the top area uncovered.

    Let it dry.


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    When dry, tear off the superflous tissue. (If I wasn't floowing instructions I would have done this when I was finished. That way I would have had a few colour bits for future collages).

    Paint blue at the top of the paper for the sky.

    Start adding paint diagonally on the tissue area. Uh oh. This is supposed to look like a cliff.

    Add a windswept tree on top of the cliff.


    At this point the artist was talking about using a particular type of brush I'd never heard of. She created a very life like, delicate tree using said brush. Me, I just continuing using the same brush. I'm not even sure it's meant for watercolout but hey ho. I'd like to say it was the brushes fault that I to bodged up the tree but since the cliff was just as bad Ican't use that excuse.

    At this stage I was tempted to give up but I carried on to the bitter end and added the fence.

    Oh my God. What a crap painting. I'm so rubbish at painting stuff that's supposed to look like something real. 😂 In my defence I have never tried to paint "proper" things in watercolour before. I doubt I'll be trying it again.😂

    No probs. I'll just chuck on a load more colour.


    Now you're talking. I could find some use for this I think and I love how the paint works with the tissued area so I'll probably be using that technique again.

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    Phew. I'm glad that's over. Now I need to get on with the preparations for our trip.

    I'm feeling a bit uninspired as to what I can take with me to keep going with The 100 Day Project. I'd quite like a few days off but I'd like to not break the momentum even more.

    Once again, we'll see how it goes . . .

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    You can now read all of this Project's posts in one place by visiting the
    The 100 Day Project - 2024 - Collection.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    💚 Thanks to all those cheering me on. Your support is very much appreciated. 💚
    @jacey.boldart @denmarkguy @alchemystones @steevc @shanibeer @stickupboys @nickydee @lizelle

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