The Whatness of Having New talents in the Hive Community

in voilk •  4 months ago

    The $HIVE community is to me, an avenue to display all kinds of creativity and as well explore other kinds of creative content for learning and nurturing potential. There are numerous communities in $HIVE that encourage all sorts of talents and skills. This makes it possible for anyone with any ability to put up his or her work and be appreciated. We are in a changing generation and the constancy of changes requires all to be carried along. There are so many discovered and undiscovered talents that are still far from the hive community and this is quite unfortunate so, I deemed it necessary to address the whatness of having more new talents in the community.


    First off, $HIVE gives life to what is inside of an individual. There are countless wowing talents that individuals possessing them underestimate. Meanwhile, if a person is well informed about the hive community, such will put up his or her creativity to the world and get recognised. This will boost a person's morale because he or she has come to a platform that has appreciated this talent. This will even encourage one to continue to work harder and harder to become more captivating with his or her talent. Going the extra mile makes the talent look richer and catchy to any viewer.

    Also, there are talents that could come to the $HIVE community and serve other people effectively. This is to say that one's talent could be a solution to another's unsolved problem. For instance, one who is very skillful in the art of teaching could begin to educate the public on a subject matter that could serve someone out there who longed for the understanding of that subject matter. For this, one's ability has gone a long way in reaching out to solve problems and not just a regular showcase. Talents and skills have to be welcomed because it could play a crucial role in problem-solving.

    Additionally, other people's talents can also build the talents of those already in the $HIVE community. Learning, they say, is a continuous process. As much as newbies would learn from the experience in the community, likewise, the experienced learn from the new talents because a new talent can have a recipe that could spice up their skillfulness. So, there is an environment of learning that is created when new talents come in as learning is not one-sided.

    Furthermore, it is agreeable that good tales bring more sales. This simply means the good news from one's experiences will bring more people. In the hive community, the benefits one will receive will bring in more people to be beneficiaries. If a talent is appreciated accordingly, this will boost one's confidence in the community and spur the urge to bring in more people to partake in this community and all it has to offer. So, it will be of great gain if talents in the community are appreciated to bring in more talents to the community and thereby globalize the $HIVE community as a nourisher and nurturer of potential.

    In conclusion, more talents in the hive community will wax the future of this great community because they will speak of the adroitness that is existing in this community. Talents should be appreciated and enlightenment should be promoted to expand the community with more and more outstanding talents.

    Here is my post for today's March Monthly Prompt.

    This article is written in InLeo

    Inleo is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH, and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: Inleo allows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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