Tears & Cheers: Celebrating My Best Friend's Wedding (as Her Bridesmaid!)

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Isn't it a beautiful day for another blog, Hello hives hope you all have a great day ahead!

    Today I will be sharing with you all the very special day for my best friend, It was her wedding and I was chosen to be her bridesmaid I was so excited to be part of her wonderful journey as a Married woman.

    Since the day that she said she would be having a church wed, ding I have supported her through her preparation since her husband was on board.

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    Their preparation was just one month so they got a wedding coordinator first I helped her with their pre-up pictorial which was located at the Hermit Cove in Aloguinsan when she asked me if she needed help we immediately said yes together with my husband. I was glad that their pictorial went well.

    Then next week we fit our dresses and the motive that she picked was maroon which is her favourite colour.

    People say that if there is someone that going to marry God will give them some trials that come their way that they should pass because One month before their wedding I saw them struggling with the decision that caused them trouble and ended up telling each other to stop their wedding. but gladly they pass the challenge that God has been throwing at them.

    The day before her wedding I was late at the hotel because I had work at that time I couldn't able to leave the other crew unattended so I waited for the owner to arrive before I left.


    The day of the wedding was so crucial because of the venue that we should be going to take the photo for her On the day wedding photo, nobody gets the permit to Pasilong Naga, In passing naga if you want to take a pictorial like a wedding or birthday you should get a permit in the city hall just to save her day and I don't want to stress her out even I put make-up on I rush to the city hall and ride a Multi-cab (Filipino Transportation) to get the permit and gladly the city of Naga hall staff was so accommodating they also throw jokes at me that time because they thought I was the one who going to marry because of my makeup and my hair.


    Also, I got the bouquet since the flower shop was near my location anyway the bouquet was the gift of the groom to the bride. After that the husband of the flower shop owner gave me a ride to the hotel because I had to go back before the pictorial, fortunately, I made it on time thanks to Kuya who helped me.

    When they saw me entering the room they laughed because my make-up was ruined and also my hair, some staff thought that I was the maid of honour because I made the bride's day perfect.


    The staff started to fix my make-up so that we could start the pictorial but at that time the bride was not yet ready so it was perfect timing for me to come back on time.

    Then after everyone was done we headed to the lobby to take the photo Everyone was so serious that time, and Since I was a happy-go-lucky person I tried to make the ambience happy.

    So every time that the photographer says that we should talk to each other I make them laugh so that the pictures are not that boring.



    We also took fierce photos that I don't usually do, I don't have the talent for making a pose in front of the camera. but I like taking photos but the camera doesn't fit on me.


    After that the photographer took a family picture since the mother of my best friend was a stroke survivor she wasn't able to talk fluently so she was trying to sign thme Everyone burst their tears the moment Nanay (Filipino called for mother) cried.

    Eventually, the photographer was done with his job, and the wedding coordinator immediately asked us to take to the van so that we could travel to the church.



    Anyway, I was paired with one of my closest friends. After the groom walked through the aisle we were next to walk the aisle then the bearer the flower girls and most especially the bride.


    The moment that the door opened, my tears dropped she deserves to wear that white dress, walk down the aisle and commit to the love of her life. Honey meets his arc.


    After halfway she stops because she we going to walk down the aisle together with her parents she does the pagmamano (The Filipino showing respect to the elderly),


    and hugged her parents suddenly her mother burst into tears together with her father and everyone inside the church cried even the staff holding their tears.


    Before the ceremony ended the photographer took a photo of us together with the newly married couple. Then the guests headed to the reception while we had to take pictures in Pasilong Naga for the Save the Date video. after that, we headed to the reception.


    At the reception we were able to dance together with the newly married couple and to show our participation in that event then after we were done eating we took a photo together with our boss.


    To my best friend I wish your married life to be full of love and enjoyment, may God shower you with blessing that the both of deserve and hopefully you God may bless you with an angel

    “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” — Mignon McLaughlin

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