ESP/ENG Graduación de bomberos de mi prima | My cousin's firefighter graduation

in voilk •  last month


    Mi prima se ha graduado de bombero, hace un par de semanas me mandó una rifa para que le colaborara para la graduación, a la cual ayude y le compré un número. No sé cuánto tiempo exactamente ha pasado desde que inicio pero como dos años aproximadamente, para el día del acto nos invitó, a mi mamá, una prima y a mi. Ya que sus padres se encuentran de viaje y no queríamos dejarla sola en este momento tan especial

    Ella ya estaba algo triste porque pensó que no asistiriamos, además que tiene un hijo y se le complicaba quien se lo llevaría, y al ir nosotros lo podíamos pasar buscando por lo que se emociono al saber que iríamos

    El acto fue sencillo pero bastante representativo, primero homenajearon a todo el personal que lleva años de servicio y le dieron distintos reconocimientos y de último fue el acto de graduación, que en un primer llamado era imponer la medalla y el certificado, y en un segundo llamada es colocarle una placa por sus superiores y literalmente se la clavan en el pecho y lastiman dicha parte corporal

    Luego de ello hacen un acto con la manguera de bomberos y son mojados con la misma, los distintos superiores los mandan a hacer diferentes actividades físicas, como sentadilla, flexiones, llamados mientras son mojados

    Posteriormente a ese acto, acudimos a la estación donde de compartió con los distintos familiares y allegados ya que cada uno de los graduandos se encargaron de gestionar un compartir para los asistentes con comida, pasapalos y bebidas, allí duramos un rato entre brindis, conversación y baile. El hijo de mi prima estaba súper emocionado con el caballo que había allí, al cual quería tocar pero solo nos acercamos

    Luego fuimos al C.C. Unicentro dónde decidimos celebrar entre nosotros y hacer algo especial, como ya habías comido el salado en el compartir (arroz con pollo) elegimos comer un postre, y fuimos a una heladería

    En este sitio, cada uno compro un helado del sabor de su preferencia, en mi caso escogí de galleta orea, súper divina, y una torta de chocolate la cual compartimos y acompañamos con agua. El sitio es algo más costoso en comparacion a otras franquicias sin embargo vale la pena ya que los helado y la torta estaban muy buenas. Hicimos un mini recorrida por el centro comercial, el cual no conocía y finalmente mi hermanos nos llevó a nuestros respectivos hogares.

    Fue un momento distinto y me alegra poder compartirlo con mi prima y haber estado presente allí acompañándola

    English version
    My cousin has graduated as a firefighter, a couple of weeks ago she sent me a raffle to help her for the graduation, which I helped and I bought her a number. I don't know exactly how much time has passed since it started but about two years, on the day of the event she invited my mother, a cousin and me. Since her parents are traveling and we did not want to leave her alone at this special moment.

    She was already a little sad because she thought we wouldn't attend, plus she has a son and it was difficult for her to know who would take him, and when we went we could look for him so she was excited to know that we would go.

    The event was simple but quite representative, first they honored all the staff who have been in service for years and gave them different recognitions and lastly was the graduation ceremony, which in a first call was to award the medal and certificate, and in a second call is to place a badge on him by his superiors and they literally stick it in his chest and hurt said body part

    After that they do an act with the fire hose and are wet with it, the different superiors send them to do different physical activities, such as squats, push-ups, calls while they are wet

    After that event, we went to the station where we shared with the different relatives and friends since each of the graduating students was in charge of managing a sharing for the attendees with food, snacks and drinks, there we spent a while between toasts, conversation and dance. My cousin's son was super excited about the horse that was there, which he wanted to touch but we only got close

    Then we went to the C.C. Unicentro where we decided to celebrate with each other and do something special, since you had already eaten the savory in the sharing (rice with chicken) we chose to eat a dessert, and we went to an ice cream parlor

    In this place, each one bought an ice cream of the flavor of their preference, in my case I chose an orea cookie, super divine, and a chocolate cake which we shared and accompanied with water. The place is a little more expensive compared to other franchises, however it is worth it since the ice cream and cake were very good. We took a mini tour of the shopping center, which I didn't know, and finally my brothers took us to our respective homes.

    It was a different moment and I am happy to be able to share it with my cousin and to have been present there accompanying her.

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