We call them poor! Clay!

in voilk •  4 months ago

    We Call Them Poor! Clay!

    Recently BTC did ATH. So crypto community is naturally happy. To express their happiness, there is a wide variety of memes, gif, and YouTube videos that are posted to celebrate. Recently @clayboyn shared the video below, which I really enjoyed. Clay said he even have it on repeat mode, I did as well! I have forwarded it to bunch of my friends who are crypto illiterate still, hoping they will love/hate it. If nothing else, I will rub it in, eh?

    Can we talk treasury? Clay

    Dude, you are a friend, so I hope you give me a bit of a leeway, you know I am not putting you on the spot personally. However, we as a community should have a conversation and a record, so that it doesn't get lost in discord. With that disclaimer; lets begin!

    There are currently multiple DAO proposals on the docket that is requesting funds from the DAO in stablecoins. This last bit is critical stablecoins. The reason it is critical is because if we do not have stablecoins, we have to sell some other assets to raise stablecoins.

    Let us forget about the $2.5M big enchilada for a second, but the other two are essentially people's salary in one way or another. If I add the first two up I get $550K total in stablecoin.

    Now let us look at what we have! This is the latest DAO treasury report


    Pardon my rounding, but if I add the three numbers I marked in arrow, I get $181K + $150K + $230K = $561K

    Mind you Clay, we must pay your salary from this as well! So we have a immediate request of $550K and we have $561K. I say we are POOR! :)

    Also, I was recently talking to @asgard amd he said "The way I see it the USD amount attached to that report is a joke. The DAO barely own 3mln USD, not 9.5mln"....well I will let others to interpret that comment, but personally I agree with him.

    This is what we need Clay!

    We need some budget and cost projections from you. Clearly we do not have the money to fund these proposal by stables. So, yeah you guessed it, we need some asset sale, likely DEC. Must be at/near peg (which is not always a given, currently we are not at peg). That will be a proposal and will be rather eye opening for many who think DAO holds $10M.

    Rude awakening, bitches!! (this bit is for cyberblock, pardon my french!)

    Once that is out of way, we need a earning projection for the DAO. Please get with Matt to estimate that. Potential earning coming from pack sale and any future possibility of revenue for the DAO. A waterfall chart would be nice to visualize.

    Bottomline: before we write and expect to fund proposal-after-proposal, please let us think where the money is going to come from.

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