Es increíble cómo hasta la fecha, y en estos meses decembrinos del 2024, innumerables de documentales, videos, reels, shorts, publicaciones, películas, largometrajes y varias reseñas, hagan alusión a lo conseguido por la selección Argentina de fútbol, en lo que fue la conquista de su tercera estrella, es más bien por el impacto de no solo que Messi finalmente consiguiera el tan ansiado mundial, sino cortar con una larga espera por parte del pueblo argentino, y decepciones de manera consecutiva, y ver que Maradona, no es el único Dios del fútbol.
It seems unbelievable but it has been 2 years since that penalty shootout between two of the greatest international soccer teams such as Argentina and France, which ended one of the most unprecedented World Cups in the history of soccer, because that World Cup, besides being held in the country of Qatar, took place in the months of November and December 2022, a location in the soccer calendar never seen before.
It is incredible how up to date, and in these december months of 2024, countless documentaries, videos, reels, shorts, publications, movies, feature films and several reviews, make allusion to what was achieved by the Argentine national soccer team, in what was the conquest of its third star, it is rather for the impact of not only Messi finally getting the long-awaited world cup, but to cut with a long wait by the Argentine people, and disappointments in a consecutive way, and to see that Maradona is not the only God of soccer.
Paralizaron el mundo | They paralyzed the world
El camino sorpresivo también lo vivió la selección de Argentina, cuando en su primera presentación de fase de grupos, comenzó perdiendo, eso, frente a una modesta selección de Arabia Saudita, que si se analizaba todo lo visto hasta ese momento en el mundial, fácilmente se pudo haber pensado, que el campeón iría a ser uno muy distinto al que nos tenían acostumbrados. Una presentación hasta ese momento no tan buena, que sirvió, sin duda alguna, de inspiración para despertar a un gigante que tenía 36 años dormido.
In reality what paralyzes the world of soccer are 2 things, the first, the classic Real Madrid vs Barcelona, and the second, the final of the World Cup, whoever the teams that are disputing it are. For this 2022 World Cup, expectations were high, the fact of waiting more than 4 years and playing in November, were the perfect scenario to see something we had never seen before, and in fact it was, a competition that in the first few days saw Japan beat Spain and at the same time eliminated Germany.
Argentina's national team also experienced a surprise when, in its first presentation in the group stage, it started losing against a modest Saudi Arabian team, which, if we analyzed everything seen until that moment in the World Cup, we could have easily thought that the champion would be a very different team from the one we were used to. A not so good performance up to that moment, which undoubtedly served as an inspiration to wake up a giant that had been asleep for 36 years.
Yo en lo particular y como buen seguidor del Fútbol club Barcelona, fui uno, que sin ser Argentino y tampoco seguidor de la selección celeste y blanco, estuvo pendiente hasta el último partido de los dirigidos por Lionel Scaloni, fue esa sensación de percibir de que algo iba a pasar siempre en cada partido de los gauchos, lo que me mantuvo al pendiente de sus actuaciones. Es ese sentimiento que no se puede explicar, que nada más lo podrían decir y describir los seguidores del fútbol de selecciones, fue lo que quizás hizo que el mundo del fútbol se paralizara esa tarde noche del domingo 18 de diciembre de 2022, cuando finalmente vimos a Lionel Messi, levantar la soñada copa del mundo.
The staging of Messi's great talent was combined with the desire of some to finally win the World Cup title for Argentina, and others that he would remain with the desire, but it was more the push of the fans from all over the world, without being fans of the Argentine national team, who managed to push the albilceste, towards the triumph in that World Cup, and in a clear way, despite all the obstacles both outside and inside the field.
I in particular and as a good follower of Barcelona Football Club, I was one, without being Argentinean and neither a follower of the blue and white team, was pending until the last match of the team led by Lionel Escaloni, it was that feeling of perceiving that something was always going to happen in every match of the Gauchos, which kept me attentive to their performances. It is that feeling that cannot be explained, that nothing else could be said and described by the followers of national team soccer, was what perhaps made the soccer world come to a standstill that evening of Sunday, December 18, 2022, when we finally saw Lionel Messi lift the dreamed World Cup.
Recursos utilizados en la publicación
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El traductor de texto del español hacia el idioma inglés utilizado para esta publicación fue: DeepL translator
Correccion de ortografía a través de la herramienta: Lenguage Tool
Imagenes usadas en esta publicación tomadas de la plataforma: X
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Resources used in the publication
Cover of the publication edited with the Canva application
The text translator from Spanish to English used for the description of this publication was: DeepL translator
Spelling correction through the tool: Lenguage Tool
Images used in this publication taken from the platform: X
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