Celebrating my sister's 25th birthday. / Festejando el cumpleaños #25 de mi hermana./

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Hello dear friends of this lovely community @familyandfrriends, pleasure to greet you and share with you unique moments lived among friends and family, who are very important to each of us and occupy a very special place in our lives.


    In this opportunity I want to share with you the celebration of my younger sister's 25th birthday, a unique, charming and spectacular moment lived as a family in a beautiful place, she was super happy enjoying her 25th and we also as a family making her feel happy.


    We decided to go to a Chinese restaurant for dinner and celebrate her birthday there with my parents, my husband and my son, she did not imagine the surprise that I had organized for her, I arrived first and talked to the manager of the place, I told her that we wanted to have dinner and sing birthday to my sister and she told me that there was no problem and that it was possible.


    My sister then arrived with my mom and dad and we welcomed her with the surprise of a balloon arrangement which I made myself, with a lot of creativity, to give her the perfect gift, a beautiful white handbag, something that could not be missed, a rich and beautiful cake, a quesillo, and her 25 in balloons. She was crying with happiness for the gesture of love for her.

    My sister is like my daughter since my mom had her when I was 13 years old, and I had to take care of her since I was a child and that's why I love her, she is very special to me, she is the pretty girl, my sweet princess .


    We enjoyed a nice dinner at the place with chinese food that my sister likes and we wanted to please her as it was a very important day for all of us.


    I end with this sentence:
    The best moments are enjoyed as a family and are kept in our hearts for eternity, do not lose every second, minute, hour, day to share with family and immortalize a smile with an image that are the proof of every moment lived.


    • Las imagenes me pertenecen, fueron tomadas de mi teléfono Samsung A21

    • Fueron editadas las fotos en el programa Polish.

    • traductor: Deepl Traslator.



    Hola queridos amigos de esta encantadora comunida @familyandfrriends, gusto en saludarles y compartir con ustedes momentos unicos vividos entre amigos y familiares, quienes son muy importantes para cada uno de nosotros y ocupan un lugar muy especial en nuestras vidas.


    En esta oportunidad deseo compartir con ustedes la celebracion del cumpleaños numero 25 de mi hermana menor, momento unico, encantador y espectacular vivido en familia en un hermoso lugar, ella estaba super contenta disfrutando de sus 25 y nosotros tambien como familia haciendola sentir feliz.


    Decidimos ir a un restaurante de comida china a cenar y celebrar alli su cumpleaños en compañia de mis padres, mi esposo y mi hijo, ella no se imaginaba la sorpresa que le habia organizado, llegue primero y hable con la encargada del lugar, le plantie que queriamos cenar y cantarle cumpleaños a mi hermana y me dijo que no habia ningun problema y que si se podia.


    Mi hermana luego llego en compañia de mi mama y mi papa y le dimos la bienvenida con la sorpresa de un arreglo en globos el cual hice yo misma, con mucha creatividad, para obsequiarle el regalo perfecto, una bella cartera blanca, algo que no podia faltar una rica y hermosa torta, un quesillo, y sus 25 en globos. Estaba que lloraba de felicidad por el gesto de amor para con ella.

    Mi hermana es como mi hija ya que mi mama la tuvo cuando yo tenia 13 años, y me toco cuidarla desde muy niña y por eso la amo, es muy especial para mi, es la la niña bonita, mi dulce princesa .


    Disfrutamos de una rica cena en el lugar con comida china que a mi hermana le gusta y deseamos complacerla todo a su gusto, ya que era un dia muy importante para todos.


    Finalizo con eata frase:
    Los mejores momentos se disfrutan en familia y quedan guardados en nuestro corazon para la eternidad, no pierdas cada segundo, minuto, hora, dia de compartir en familia y de inmortalizar una sonrisa con una imagen que son la prueba de cada momento vivido.

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