A true child of my parent

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello everyone welcome to HL weekly prompt which topic is "From my mom and my Dad".

    I never knew a day would come when I would have to talk or write about this particular trait I took from my mom and my Dad, I wouldn't lie that I took some traits from them.

    My father was a very generous man when he was alive and that made him popular in the area we lived in when we were little and wherever he went, even in the church, the respect was so much there until after he died and nobody cared about his children anymore.

    Even his so-called friends and family neglected his children because when people are flocking around you, it is either you are generous to them and they are seeing something from you and once that thing they want from you is gone they will vanish as well.


    One day, I came back home with someone I knew nothing about from work, we worked together in a hotel but we were never friends and the day I took the girl home she narrated how her brother she was living with had thrown her out of the house without letting her take anything.

    I felt bad for her and since I and my junior sister shared a room and I had my bed I thought I could take her in and so I took her home after closing from work. My mom was generous as well but she's always careful, my Dad never thought twice before being generous to people, my mom grabbed my hands and we went to the backyard to discuss about the girl, when I narrated what happened to her to my mom she said, "And you think bringing her to your house is the best thing? Don't you think it is dangerous to bring strangers to your house?" After saying that, she sighed and said again, "You are just like your father, not only by look but his traits too," I smiled because I always feel good when she said that.

    We went back inside and I took the girl in, we got into my room and I shared all my clothes into two for her, including my undies. My junior sister was surprised and she went to inform my mom about it while they were talking about the matter I came outside and stood in one corner listening to them, my mom said to my junior sister, "All the kindness traits in everyone of you was from your father because that is exactly what he will do if he sees someone in such mess,". I was happy that there was something I took from him aside from looking like him.

    Some days later, I was at work when I got a call from my mom and I took permission from the supervisor and went home. When I got home I realized that I just brought a thief into our house, we have a small generator which is popularly known as "I better pass my neighbor" and whenever we put it on, people always come to charge in our house so that faithful day my junior sister put it one while I was not at home and everyone that always charge came with their phones.

    All the phones were plugged in the sitting room while my junior sister was in the room with the girl and my mom went to get vegetables, she said the girl told her she was going to work and she carried one bag and left the room only for my junior sister to come outside and saw only chargers in the sitting room without phones
    She quickly raised alarm, and my mom heard and ran home there were people in the area who came to do laborer work and they were the ones who caught her because they suspected her, and that was how we could recover the phones if not I would have put my mom into big trouble because I wanted to help someone.

    When she was brought back to our house, I was so angry to the extent that I wanted to slap her and beat her up but I was trying to calm myself down and that was from my mom because once she gets angry she doesn't hear anything again unless she did what was in her mind. But instead of beating her up I just took the phone and told her never to step her foot in our house again.

    I went back inside packed all the clothes she had worn from the ones I gave to her then threw them at her to leave, my mom was surprised at the way I reacted, she was expecting me to fight her just like every other girl at my age will do but I couldn't because something in me was telling me if I touched her she might die so I just let everything go.

    Some minutes later before I went back to work my mom said, "Why don't you beat her up after all that she did?" I replied, "Something told me not to, I might hurt her badly because of how much I was angry at that moment," she smiled and said, "That was from me and that is why I don't like addressing issues when I am angry because I might hurt people and destroy things,".

    Let's just say I took generosity from my Dad and anger from my mom even though I always tried to control it. Countless times whenever I get angry the best thing for me to do is walk away from what is making me angry so that I won't react to it because I don't want it to get out of hand and I love helping despite that because helping people gives me joy. And those are the traits I took from my mom and my Dad.

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