Vistas from Ha Ling Peak

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Some people climb mountains because it's a challenge, others do it for the view. I'm solidly in the second camp. Gazing into the Bow River valley from near the top of Ha Ling peak is truly a sight to behold.


    One is above the treeline up here, it's just scree and rock. This was taken at the end of the assumed trail, from here on out one would want quality shoes and a little bravery to continue.


    Whitemans pond is a reservoir that feeds a small hydro dam and the town of Canmore which sits in the shadow of Mount Lawrence Grassi. That's Mount Rundle behind the pond, the town of Banff is on the other side of Mount Rundle.


    One can follow Goat Creek to the town of Banff, it's the easier path than hiking up Ha Ling Peak. The views aren't as stellar. You can see Goat View Peak across the valley.


    Mount Rundle is one of the most famous mountains in Banff National Park, just because it's right there at the entrance to the town and the shape makes it appear less of an intimidating climb. I hope to conquer it one day, it would be one of the more difficult climbs that doesn't involve rope or a lot of hands.


    From here we can see how the canal which feeds the reservoir breaks off from Goat Creek. Much of the hydroelectricity in these parks have been exploited without ruining the natural beauty too much.


    The views on such a hike are numerous, we get spoiled living near the Canadian Rocky Mountains and some of the largest unspoiled wilderness in the world.


    These are vistas one can never tire from seeing. We were really lucky with the weather, it was a hot day in July. Thank you for stopping by and enjoying the view with me.


    All photos were taken with an s22 and are unedited

    Previous blog with more details about the hike:

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