Selling my book Marketing 5.0 by Philip Kotler in HBD Hive in Jalisco Talent Land - Blockchain Land

in voilk •  3 months ago

    I had the opportunity of writing a chapter of the Best Selling book by Philip Kotler 'Marketing 5.0' in spanish about Blockchain, NFTs, metaverses and @museodelcaos a related startup that I have.
    It immediately became a Best Seller and it is a very liked book by everyone who has studied marketing and bought by almost all careers.

    During Jalisco Talent Land 2024 in Blockchain Land I sold a book to @starkerz receiving the payment in HBD denominated in mexican pesos. Settled immediately and had the balance no problems.

    Dedicated for all the Hive community

    @gr33nm4ster @starkerz @thedeltron @theycallmedan @manuphotos


    Tuve la oportunidad de escribir un capítulo del libro Best Seller de Philip Kotler 'Marketing 5.0' en español sobre Blockchain, NFTs, metaversos y @museodelcaos una startup relacionada que tengo.
    Inmediatamente se convirtió en un Best Seller y es un libro muy apreciado por todos los que han estudiado marketing y comprado por casi todas las carreras universitarias.

    Durante Jalisco Talent Land 2024 en Blockchain Land vendí un libro a @starkerz recibiendo el pago en HBD denominado en pesos mexicanos. Se liquidó de inmediato y tuve saldo disponible en el instante.

    Dedicado a toda la comunidad Hive





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