Predawn Grain Run, Empty Trailer, Chiro, PDC, Trailer, Greenhouse, Sunshine, Kraken Surprise - Thursday

in voilk •  5 months ago

    4:30 am on the road into the city to pickup more grain. It was soupy fog by the farm in the river valley but I drove right out of it and it was clear the rest of the way. It is always odd to me the variations in traffic when I am out at the same time but there is no one one day then the next there is a string of vehicles ahead of me on the bypass.


    This time my route went backwards. I stopped at the Steam Plant first to drop empty barrels so I wouldn't have to back the filled trailer down the alleyway.


    I hucked the barrels over the gate then headed up to the other brewery. This time there was again 7 or 8 homeless under the train overpass. Same as the traffic, one day there is a slew of them, the next no one.


    So I got up to the second brewery and found that I only had 3 barrels waiting for me which could have been hauled normally. But I had the trailer setup for this so shoveling I went. All 3 barrels got emptied into the bed liner and it all fit nicely within.


    It was a hot steaming pile and I was unsure if it would move around much on the drive home but it made it just fine.


    After getting the boys to school I had to get the trailer emptied quickly so I backed it up to the pole garden and was able to fully empty the grain out. I have a little bit that still needs a coating but that will be tomorrow morning's grain run.


    I parked the truck and was going to let the birds out when I saw the cloud of steam wafting up from the grain. It made its own cloud for a while.


    I made it to my chiro appointment and did decompression first, then the adjustment, then the massage. It was all quite nice after the morning of shoveling.

    I made it home in perfect time to catch the PDC Premier League. It was a pretty solid group of matches and the final was Asp against MVG who ended up winning his 3rd night. I really would like to see someone slip MVG some colon blow before the next match.


    I got the boys picked up from school and once home got the trailer hooked back up in expectation of another grain run but I texted as I was hooking it up and found out a bit later that I don't have grain this morning it will be tomorrow morning. So I unhooked the trailer an hour or so later.


    The greenhouse is plugging along nicely with the bitcoin heater keeping the temps in a nice and constant range of about 40-60F.


    Even my spinach are starting to get first leaves showing.


    The radishes are coming along okay, the lettuces, kale, and cabbage are all about the same size and hopefully they will kick into high gear as the sun gets higher in the sky.


    It was mostly cloudy all day long until right around 5pm as the boys were out pulling nails from boards. I am hoping that today will be nice and sunny like the forecast is saying.


    The Kraken played Vancouver who is leading the NHL right now and I didn't have high hopes for the game but boy did they surprise me. In an amazing turn of events they managed to pound the Canucks 5-2.


    The boys have a mini hockey rink in the house that they will play in. It is just the entry mat on one end and the threshold between the living room and kitchen that are the goals. Holy shit are they loud though as they slam and bang around.


    I went out to the hot tub while they were still in the midst of it and I could hear their slamming around as clear as day. Thankfully the laminate can handle some abuse.


    Headed out to soak while the second period was on and was back in to catch the end of the game.


    Today is to be clear and warmer which means it is finally utility kilt weather which makes me quite happy since that means it's Spring time. I have to work on the driveway round where I have made more ruts in the mud and get them all leveled back out, constant cleanup around the farm, boys to and from school, then this evening I will get the fire going in the pit to grill for dinner.

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