Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! - RULESET: Explosive Weaponry / バトルメイジ・シークレット ウィークリーチャレンジ - ルール: Explosive Weaponry

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! - RULESET: Explosive Weaponry

    In the case of this rule, the first thing to consider is the monster to put second; if you want to prevent a monster with Reflection Shield from being knocked down from second, I would still appreciate VENATOR KINJO. Because it is neutral, it doesn't choose the element.

    このルールの場合、まず最初に2番目に置くモンスターを考える。Reflection Shieldを持っているモンスターで2番目から倒されることを防ぐなら、やっぱり VENATOR KINJO さんがありがたいね。ニュートラルなのでエレメントを選ばないから。


    I would use VENARI MARKSRAT instead of Reflection Shielded monsters, but I would put Martyr monsters on the first and third and stronger monsters on the second. Then they are buffed up like this and super strengthened.

    なんて言いながら、私はReflection Shield持ちのモンスターじゃなく、 VENARI MARKSRAT を使っちゃうんですけどね。Martyr持ちのモンスターを1番目と3番目に置いて強いモンスターを2番目に置く。するとこんな感じにバフバフされて超強化されるんですよ。


    It's still QUORA TOWERSHEAD. It can heal, attack twice, and strengthen itself with Bloodlust... what a cheat!
    QUORA TOWERSHEAD is reinforced with Martyr.

    やっぱり QUORA TOWERSHEAD ですよ。回復できて、2回攻撃できて、Bloodlustで自己強化とかなんてチート!?

    If it is not an Explosive Weaponry rule, the buff is applied only once, when the FUNGUS FLINGER placed at the head of the pack is triggered. But in the case of this rule, after FUNGUS falls, the first player is QUORA, then MARKSRAT, and MARKSRAT is killed by the explosion damage. As a result, QUORA gets another buff. And as an added bonus, REGAL PERYTON is also strengthened.

    Explosive Weaponryルールでなければ、バフがかかるのは先頭に置いた FUNGUS FLINGER の発動させる1回だけ。なんだけど、このルールの場合はFUNGUSが倒れた後、先頭がQUORA、次にMARKSRATになって、爆発ダメージでMARKSRATが倒される。その結果QUORAにもう一回バフがかかる。おまけで REGAL PERYTON も強化されるしね。

    I guess my opponent must have had the same idea, because he had the same monsters until the third one. I was a bit nervous when I saw ANCIENT REDWOOD. Three points for explosion damage is a bit painful, isn't it?

    それは対戦相手も同じような考えだったんだろうね。3番目まで同じモンスターを編成している。 4番目以降はちがうけど、 ANCIENT REDWOOD がいるの見てちょっとドキッとした。爆発ダメージで3点はちょっと痛いもんね。

    But the result was a victory. The reason is the order of attack. If we hit first and defeat the enemy, we will not receive a counterattack.


    Attack Order

    As an aside, the rules for attack order are as above.
    If the speed is the same, the order of attack is magic attack > long-range attack > melee attack.

    スピードが同じであれば、攻撃の順序は 魔法攻撃>遠距離攻撃>近接攻撃の順になる。

    I attack with magic, they attack at long range.
    In other words! I can attack first! Victory is assured! That fact is as inevitable as burping after knocking back a couple as colas!


    Well, that's what I mean by the speed being referred to first in determining the order of attack is very important.
    If the speed is the same, the order of attack is determined by referring to the type of attack, rarity, and level, in that order, and this is important in any rule, so it is good to remember.


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