Another of my crazy life experiences - Otra experiencia loca de mi vida

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Esta foto es de alguno de los muchos paseos que doy por la montaña cuando nieva, y esque me encanta tanto la nieve, como la montaña, como conducir, como conducir en situaciones extremas... y aunque que me gusta conducir se deduce de algun post anterior, creo que muy poca gente (no profesional) puede decir que tenga mas experiencia que yo, me saqué el carnet de conducir con 18 años, a los 19 me compré yo mismo mi primer coche con 0km y 4 años mas tarde lo vendi con 400-500.000km... con 28 o 29 años tendría acumulados alrededor de 1.000.000 de km en todo tipo de carreteras, situaciones.. buf.

    Hoy os voy a contar una de ellas, y creo que ha sido el unico accidente que tuve con un coche, muy merecido por cierto. Esto fue con 18 años, antes de tener mi propio coche, tenia un coche de una de mis novias que lo tenia como si fuera mio, ella no tenia carne de conducir, asique era como si fuese mio, un sabado por la noche (de aquellas todos los sabados eran dias de fiesta sin freno), y yo no iba andando ni al baño, cualquier paso que daba era en el coche, asique un sabado mas, cojí el coche, salí con mis amigos, y acabé la noche borracho como una cuba, pues esa noche habia estado tonteando con una chica, y le dió por llamarme cuando ya estaba en casa, un pueblo a unos 10-15km de donde yo vivo, y tuve la genial ocurrencia de coje el coche e ir allí (cosas de la juventud y mentes degeneradas xd), yo ya os dije, borracho como un cuba, esa noche diluviaba, y allí fuí... llegé, estube alli pues no lo se 1h 2h no me acuerdo, y despues me volví, a la vuelta seguía lloviendo a cantaros y la borrachera parece que no se me habia pasado, las carreteras por las que andaba eran caminos de pueblo y de montaña, bueno pues habia una curva q yo no tomé, seguí recto, no habia quitamiedos ni habia nada, habia un desnivel de unos 3 o 4 metros desde la carretera a un campo que estaba debajo.

    Pues por la borrachera, por la lluvia, no vi la curva, seguí recto, y me caí por ese precipicio, el coche dio varias vueltas de campana, y quedó con boca abajo con el techo en el suelo empotrado en unas silvas, arbustos... no soy consciente de si estube consciente en todo momento o llege a perder el conocimiento, recuerdo que yo ya me vi boca abajo, colgando por el cinturon de seguridad, el coche echando humo por dentro, pero no me puse nervioso, era como si no me importara xd y aquí empieza...lo primero que hice fue quitarme el cinturon, que trabajo me costo, pues estaban en tension, yo boca abajo y no lo daba desabrochado, finalmente lo conseguí, y ahora tocaba abrir la puerta para salir, intente abrir mi puerda y no habia forma de abrirla, debia ser una combinacion de que en mi puerta estaban empotrados todos los arbutos y el techo todo aboyado hundido, asique por mas que le daba no abría ni se movia, intente con la otra puerta y tampoco de movia (era un coche de 2 puertas), y ahí ya solo se me ocurrió tumbarme a lo ancho del coche, con los pies en una puerta y las manos en la otra, haciendo toda la fuerza que podía, y nose de donde saqué la fuerza pero conseguí abrir un poquito mi puerta, lo suficiente para poder salir del coche.

    Estaba a unos 10-15km de casa en el medio del monte, y en ese esfuerzo por abrir la puerta (yo me enteraria mas tarde, pero por los restos de cristales que había por el coche, al hacer tantisima fuerza para intentar abrir alguna puerta, me corte y quedó alguna gota de sangre en el asiento), el coche quedó destrozado, con todo el techo hundido y en mi cabeza como si hubiese tenido un aura protectora un abonbamiento que hizo que no me esmagara la cabeza, es increible, surrealista, pero es tal y como lo cuento, palabra por palabra. En ese momento, algo o alguien decidió que ese no era mi momento todavía, pues debería haber quedado en el sitio sino fuera por ese increible 'casco' que formo el techo encima de mi cabeza...

    Una vez que consigo salir del coche, cojo mis cosas (telefono, tabaco, y no se que mas), aun seguia lloviendo, diluviando... apagé el coche y me fuí andando para mi casa, tardaría unas 3 horas en llegar, lloviendo muchisimo todo el camino, cuando llegué al pueblo en si, ya estaba totalmente lucido, pues entre el golpe, y la caminata se me habia pasado la borrachera... y ahora empezaban los problemas, que le voy a decir a mi novia y a sus padres que ha pasado?...

    A mi lo unico que me habia pasado, era que del cinturon de seguridad tenia un moraton enorme en el hombro y en el pecho, fue todo lo que me pasó...

    Asique tube la genial ocurrencia de cuando ya staba llegando, llame a mi novia, y le dije, antentos:

    Cuando me iba a ir a casa, me iba a subir en el coche y en el aparcamiento donde lo habia dejado, me dieron un golpe por detras (explicando eso el moraton) y perdi el conocimiento y me robaron el coche.

    Bueno, en un principio lo habia explicado de tal manera, que habia colado perfectamente, pero ahora entran sus padres en acción... me dicen bueno, pues hay q ir al hospital a hacer el parte de lesiones y a denunciar a la policia (no habia pensado en esto, venia de una borrachera muy profunda, no me dió para tanto la cabeza xd)... y empezó el lio, okey, vamos al hospital, me hacen el parte de lesiones, me llevan a la comisaria y pongo una denuncia...

    Obviamente yo habia denunciado que me habian pegado y robado el coche, por lo que no sabia donde estaba el coche, no podia decirlo... tardaron 4 días en encontrar el coche, cuando lo encontraron, lo cojieron para analizarlo o yo que se que harian con el, el caso esq como yo no tenia nada, estaba perfecto no deberia de haber nada en el coche que me involucrara directamente... pero a los 2 o 3 dias de haber encontrado el coche, viene a junto de mi padre, y me dice, me han dicho en el taller donde esta el coche que la policia ha encontrado unas gotas de sangre en el asiento (ahí fue cuando me entere que me habia cortado al intentar abrir las puertas), si has sido tu es mejor que lo digas por que te vas a meter en un lio con una denuncia falta ... y al final, acabé reconociendolo que habia sido yo, fuí a comisaría a quitar la denuncia, pero no podía porque ya estaba en el juzgado, y una vez que una denuncia entra en el juzgado no se puede retirar, asique tocaba seguir adelante.

    Me llamo el juez varias veces a declarar, en todas le conte la verdad, ahí ya estaba asustado, pues la pena por denuncia falsa suele conllevar prisión y multas grandes... finalmente un año o 2 años despues, cuando termino todo el proceso judicial, el juez me absolvió sin cargas, digamos que me perdonó lo que hice por las muestras de arrepentimiento y los intentos fallidos de quitar la denuncia ya interpuesta.

    El coche fue directo para el desguace, y esta versión real no la sabe nadie, y cuando digo nadie es nadie, la version que el mundo sabe es que antes de irme para casa esa noche, cojí el coche y me fui a dar un paseo por el monte a fumar un poco de maria antes de irme para casa y me quedé dormido conduciendo, esta es la versión oficial que todo el mundo conoce.

    Bien pues desde ese momento, tenia 18 años hasta hace exaztamente 1 año, si ponias mi nombre completo en google, el primer resultado que aparecía ese un articulo del periodico en el que contaban ese caso, escribiendo mi nombre y apellidos completos, cosa que no pueden hacer, pero nunca me importó, de aquellas tenia otra mentalidad, y me daba todo igual, como os dije muchas veces, no me preocupaba el mañana, solo me preocupaba y vivia el hoy, el presente, el resto me daba todo igual, por eso era feliz.

    Despues de esta experiencia, volví a tener otro accidente, pero esta ya fue mucho mas gracioso 1 año mas tarde, que ya os contaré algun día, y desde ese segundo accidente nunca mas volví a conducir habiendo consumido 1 gota de alcohol, de hecho hoy por hoy no bebo alcohol, pero si algun dia me diera por hacerlo, podeias tener claro que no conduzco, y es que por mas que lo digan no sirve de nada, las cosas, para que las veas y las aceptes tienes que vivirlas, experiementarlas, sufrirlas, asustarte, cojerle respeto, entonces no hace falta que nadie te diga nada, tu mismo sabes lo que esta bien o esta mal... cuando alguien te lo repite, insiste... tiene el efecto contrario.

    Que tengais todos una muy buena mañana!

    This photo is of one of the many rides I do in the mountains when it snows, and I love both the snow and the mountains, like driving, like driving in extreme situations ... and although I like driving is deduced from some previous post, I think very few people (not professional) can say they have more experience than me, I got my driving license with 18 years, at 19 I bought myself my first car with 0km and 4 years later I sold it with 400-500,000km ... with 28 or 29 years I would have accumulated about 1,000,000 km on all kinds of roads, situations ... buf.

    Today I am going to tell you one of them, and I think it was the only accident I had with a car, very well deserved by the way. This was with 18 years, before I had my own car, I had a car of one of my girlfriends who had it as if it were mine, she had no driving license, so it was as if it were mine, one Saturday night (all those Saturdays were party days without brake), and I was not walking or to the bathroom, any step I took was in the car, so one more Saturday, I took the car, I went out with my friends, and I ended the night drunk as a skunk, because that night I had been fooling around with a girl, and she called me when I was already at home, a town about 10-15km from where I live, and I had the brilliant idea to take the car and go there (things of youth and degenerate minds xd), I told you, drunk as a skunk, that night it was pouring, and there I went. .. I arrived, I was there for I do not know 1h 2h I do not remember, and then I went back, on the way back it was still raining cats and dogs and the drunkenness seems that I had not passed, the roads where I walked were village roads and mountain roads, well there was a curve that I did not take, I went straight, there was no guardrail or anything, there was a drop of about 3 or 4 meters from the road to a field that was below.

    Well, because I was drunk, because of the rain, I did not see the curve, I went straight, and I fell down that cliff, the car made several turns, and was upside down with the roof on the ground embedded in some silves, bushes... I am not aware if I was conscious at all times or if I lost consciousness, I remember that I saw myself upside down, hanging by the seat belt, the car smoking inside, but I did not get nervous, it was as if I did not care xd and here it begins... the first thing I did was to take off my seatbelt, which cost me a lot of work, because they were in tension, I was upside down and I couldn't unbuckle it, finally I got it, and now I had to open the door to get out, I tried to open my door and there was no way to open it, it must be a combination of the fact that in my door were embedded all the trees and the roof was all sunk in the floor, I tried with the other door and it didn't move either (it was a 2 door car), and then I just had to lie down across the width of the car, with my feet on one door and my hands on the other, doing all the strength I could, and I don't know where I got the strength but I managed to open my door a little bit, just enough to get out of the car.

    I was about 10-15km from home in the middle of the mountain, and in that effort to open the door (I would find out later, but for the remains of glass that was in the car, to make such a force to try to open a door, I cut myself and was a drop of blood on the seat), The car was destroyed, with all the roof caved in and in my head as if I had had a protective aura that made me not to get my head out of my head, it is incredible, surreal, but it is just as I tell it, word for word. At that moment, something or someone decided that this was not my moment yet, because I should have stayed in place but for that incredible 'helmet' that formed the roof above my head...

    Once I got out of the car, I took my things (phone, tobacco, and I don't know what else), it was still raining, pouring .... I turned off the car and I went walking to my house, it would take about 3 hours to arrive, raining a lot all the way, when I arrived at the town itself, I was totally lucid, because between the blow, and the walk I had passed the drunkenness... and now the problems began, what am I going to tell my girlfriend and her parents what happened?

    The only thing that had happened to me was that I had a huge bruise on my shoulder and chest from the seat belt, that was all that happened to me....

    So I had the brilliant idea that when I was arriving, I called my girlfriend, and I told her, be careful:

    When I was going home, I was going to get in the car and in the parking lot where I had left it, I was hit from behind (explaining the bruise) and I lost consciousness and my car was stolen.

    Well, at first I had explained it in such a way, that it had been perfectly fine, but now his parents came into action... they told me well, we have to go to the hospital to make the injury report and to report it to the police (I had not thought about this, I was coming from a very deep drunk, my head was not so bad xd)... and the mess started, ok, we go to the hospital, they make the injury report, they take me to the police station and I file a complaint...

    Obviously I had reported that I had been beaten and the car stolen, so I did not know where the car was, I could not say ... it took 4 days to find the car, when they found it, they took it to analyze it or what they would do with it, the case is that as I had nothing, it was perfect, there should not be anything in the car that would involve me directly ... but 2 or 3 days after finding the car, he came to my father's side, and told me, they told me in the garage where the car is that the police found some drops of blood on the seat (that's when I found out that I had cut myself trying to open the doors), if it was you it's better to say it because you're going to get into a mess with a missing report. ... and in the end, I ended up recognizing that it had been me, I went to the police station to remove the complaint, but I could not because it was already in court, and once a complaint enters the court can not be withdrawn, so it was time to move forward.

    The judge called me several times to testify, in all of them I told him the truth, there I was already scared, because the penalty for false denunciation usually entails prison and large fines... finally a year or 2 years later, when the whole judicial process was over, the judge acquitted me without charges, let's say that he forgave me what I did for the signs of repentance and the failed attempts to remove the complaint already filed.

    The car went straight to the scrapyard, and nobody knows this real version, and when I say nobody is nobody, the version that the world knows is that before going home that night, I took the car and went for a walk in the mountains to smoke some pot before going home and I fell asleep driving, this is the official version that everyone knows.

    Well since that moment, I was 18 years old until exactly 1 year ago, if you put my full name in google, the first result that appeared was a newspaper article in which they told that case, writing my full name and surname, which they can not do, but I never cared, back then I had another mentality, and I did not care about anything, as I said many times, I was not worried about tomorrow, I only cared and lived today, the present, the rest gave me all the same, that's why I was happy.

    After this experience, I had another accident, but this one was much funnier 1 year later, which I will tell you someday, and since that second accident I never drove again having consumed 1 drop of alcohol, in fact today I do not drink alcohol, but if someday I would do it, I would not drive, You could have clear that I do not drive, and is that no matter how much they say it is useless, things, for you to see them and accept them you have to live them, experience them, suffer them, get scared, get respect, then you do not need anyone to tell you anything, you yourself know what is right or wrong ... when someone repeats it to you, you know what is right or wrong. ... when someone repeats it to you, insists... it has the opposite effect.

    Have a good morning to all of you!

    Todas mis experiencias son reales y originales.
    All my experiences are real and original.

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