A Beginner's Guide to Modern Life - Part Two

in voilk •  5 months ago

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    Welcome to the second part of my humble guide to modern life. It's been a while since my last Hive post due to IRL matters. But you can check out my first Beginner's Guide to Modern Life here. The first post was regarding good starting summoners for new players as well as the healers that are currently available in the modern format.

    This time around, let's talk about good offensive cards. I will only include Life cards that are available in the market that are accessible to beginners and exclude gladiators and reward cards.

    Ranged Units


    I featured General Sloan in my first post. She increases the damage of all ranged monsters by one. Monsters with range attacks can do damage while in the backline. But they are unable to attack once they are positioned in front. Another downside to these types of monsters is that they have little to no defense which enemies might exploit.

    Pelacor Arbalest has a double strike skill which means it can attack enemies two times. This can sometimes allow him to kill two monsters in one turn. Prismologist on the other hand has Blast. This makes her do a splash damage which additionally hits adjacent monsters to the primary target. This damage is half of the damage of Prismologist so higher range attack means higher damage dealt to nearby monsters. Meanwhile, Aria Bandit has the Snipe ability. This allows him to bypass the enemy tank monster and hit the first range, magic or no attack enemy in the backline. These targets are typically weak on their defensive stats so there's a chance to one shot an enemy especially when the range attack is increased.

    Sneak Attack and Slow


    The backline monsters are usually very vulnerable so one common strategy is to strike them first. This is what the Sneak Attack does. It gives melee monsters the ability to strike the opponents in the back. One good candidate for this is Dumacke Exile. It has good melee damage, high speed and it eventually learns Fury which hits Taunt monsters for double damage. Stitch Leech on the other hand might not be the ideal sneak attacker initially since it's very slow, but it becomes formidable once it learns Life Leech. This lets Stitch Leech absorb half of the damage it deals.

    Speed is crucial for sneak attackers since they themselves are vulnerable, Striking first is the key to winning a match. And a key piece in winning the speed game for the Life splinter is Time Mage. She has slow which decreases all enemy monsters' speed by one point. She is best combined with Ilthain to ensure that your sneak attack monsters get to strike first. Time Mage also learns Rust later on which is also very helpful since it decreases enemy armor by two.

    If you're new to Splinterlands and would like to give this game a try, feel free to use my affiliate link here. 👉https://splinterlands.com?ref=sudeon👈
    Thank you for reading and see you in the battlefield!


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