in voilk •  4 months ago

    There is one thing missing in Taraweeh!

    Ramzan is the month in which Allah revealed the Quran, and every Ramzan we see people reciting the Quran with great enthusiasm and Kiyamul Lail i.e. Taraweeh is also arranged loudly in mosques, but you people know. There remains a big gap somewhere.

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    No, no, I am not talking about the Shirmaal and Kheer distributed on the last day of Taraweeh.

    I am talking about the correct recitation of the Quran. You guys might be thinking, what are you talking about? Imam Saheb is a Hafiz of the Quran, so he will read the Quran correctly. And then two-three Hafiz stand behind them to give Lukma, then what is the shortcoming?

    So listen Hazrat, what is that? Allah Almighty, who has revealed this Quran, has also told about how to read this Quran, Allah Almighty says: -


    And read the Quran with pauses.

    (Surah Muzzammil Ayat No. 4)

    And the Prophet on whom this Quran was revealed i.e. Aka Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said:-

    Enhance the Quran with your voice.

    (Sunan Abu Dawood Hadees No. 1468)

    And also said this

    What is the good news of Allah?

    Allah Almighty does not listen to anything with such respect as He listens to the Quran with respect when the Prophet recites it in a loud, happy voice and with a happy voice.

    (Sahih Al Bukhari Hadees No. 7544)

    But alas!

    We don't have enough time to listen to the Quran as it is, we just listen to Yalmun Talmun, that is enough.

    Pity upon pity! It is no longer important for us what is the order of Allah, what is the order of the Prophet, how did the Prophet read it and how did the Prophet's companions read it. While our slogan is that “Nabi ka daman chhodenge” (we will not let go of the prophet), perhaps in reality we do not want to hold on to it.

    Some brothers say that we listen to whatever Imam Saheb narrates, whereas these are such people that if one day during Taraweeh the fan stops, they narrate it to the Imam up to the Mutawalli.

    And then what should we say to Imam Sahib, he is so helpless that just by asking, he will do as the public tells him, whereas he should have been firm in this matter that we will not leave the Prophet's way, even if you open your shop. Stop for two hours and if our Hafiz and Imam Sahib decide that they will teach only one Parah in Taraweeh, then it is possible that people will accept their words.

    Well, in today's era, who would narrate and who would listen to a parah!?

    Alhamdulillah, even today there are some Imams who do not teach more than one and a quarter parah and there are some mosques too where one and a quarter parah are taught in a relaxed and peaceful manner as per the Sunnah, ### the only condition is that it should be searched from the heart.

    By the way, you can watch the Taraweeh of Mecca and Medina on YouTube to see how fast Taraweeh is recited there!

    See for yourself and also show your Imam Saheb how Taraweeh is recited comfortably as per Sunnah.

    My only request to all of you is that you should read eight Rakats of Taraweeh, twenty or thirty-six, but for the sake of Allah, read and listen to the Quran like the Quran and read and listen to it throughout Ramadan.


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