Rapida y Practica Opcion de Pan sin Harinas🍞😋 || Quick and Practical Flourless Bread Option🍞😋

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Lomo de Res con papa.png

    Hola hola amigos comelones de @hivefood feliz sabado!! Hace rato que no pasaba por acá, pero hoy les traigo una receta de esas que a mi me encantan, rapidas y simples jeje ademas ideales para seguir el plan de bajar 10 a las harinas 😂 se trata de una especie de "Pan" con solo dos ingredientes y adivinen que?? Uno de ellos NO es harina jeje asi es, un pan sin harina muy alto en fibra y proteina asi que aca les dejo la receta

    Hello hello friends of @hivefood happy saturday! It's been a while since I've been here, but today I bring you one of those recipes that I love, quick and simple hehe and also ideal to follow the plan to lose 10 to the flours 😂 it is a kind of "Bread" with only two ingredients and guess what? One of them is NOT flour hehe that's right, a flourless bread very high in fiber and protein so here's the recipe


    ✔️ Media taza de linaza
    ✔️ 3 cucharadas de chia
    ✔️ Agua Tibia

    ✔️ Half a cup of flaxseed
    ✔️ 3 tablespoons chia
    ✔️ lukewarm water



    Okey como veran, 3 cositas, lo primero que haremos es licuar la linaza para pulverizarla junto a la chia, y aqui debo decirles que me di cuenta que mi licuadora anda a media maquina o no le di lo suficiente jaja porque muchas quedaron enteras, pero ya de esto me di cuenta cuando estaba amasando jaja pero bueno una vez lo pasen por la licuadora lo agregamos al plato y comenzamod a agregar agua tibia poco a poco hasta formar una especie de masa

    Okey as you can see, 3 little things, the first thing we will do is to blend the flaxseed to pulverize it with the chia, and here I must tell you that I realized that my blender is running at half speed or I did not give enough haha because many were whole, but I realized this when I was kneading haha but well once you pass it through the blender add it to the plate and begin to add warm water little by little to form a kind of dough.



    Un vez lista esa masa vamos a formar nuestro pancito redondo y lo vamos a llevar a un sarten previamente engrasado y cocinaremos a fuego medio por ambos lados unos 15 minutos en total

    Once the dough is ready, we are going to form our round bread and we are going to take it to a previously greased frying pan and cook it over medium heat on both sides for a total of 15 minutes.


    Y asi quedara nuestro pan que parece arepa pero no es 😂 ppr supuesto aca debo decir que para la proxima o lo hago mas delgadito o lo meto al horno a ver si se cocina diferente porque cuando lo piqué, estaba aun un poco crudo en el centro, pero la solucion fue llevarlo a la candela un par de minutos mas y listo. Ya estaba listo para rellenar y comer. Y aca por supuesto es a eleccion propia!!

    And so is our bread that looks like arepa but it is not 😂 ppr course here I must say that for the next one or I make it thinner or I put it in the oven to see if it cooks differently because when I chopped it, it was still a little raw in the center, but the solution was to take it to the stove a couple of minutes more and that's it. It was ready to stuff and eat. And here of course it's up to your own choice!



    En mi caso decidí acompañarlo con dos huevitos asados, tomate, queso y jamón 🤤🤤 y puedo decirles que quedo DELICIOSO y sin duda lo repetiré porque además llena Muchísiiimo por la cantidad de fibra, asi que 100% recomendado 🥰

    In my case I decided to accompany it with two roasted eggs, tomato, cheese and ham 🤤🤤 and I can tell you that it was DELICIOUS and I will definitely repeat it because it is very filling due to the amount of fiber, so 100% recommended 🥰.



    Fotos tomadas con mi Redmi 9
    Portada editada en PicsArt

    Photos taken with my Redmi 9
    Cover edited in PicsArt

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