Everything is in the hand of Government

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Every human being in this world wants to keep something secret. They talk about their secrets to only their close friends or the people they can rely on. Privacy is a really important thing for every human being. But it is not safe to say that what we do and share on the internet is private. Because beside the government
    the network provider and the app company also know everything. Some people think it is safe sharing and talking on the internet and social apps.

    But the fact is it is not safe for various reasons even if we are using the internet from inside our home. The Government and internet provider has every single data and information about us which we share on the internet. So we should be cautious while sharing important things on the internet. The internet provider can sell every single one of our data that we shared on the internet and also the data that was saved while we were roaming on different apps and websites like Google, Opera etc. But the government's work is to keep an eye on that.

    They have all our data too, their work is to keep these data safe and when the police have to catch any suspect or to find out for the suspect's crime on the internet they look out for the data from here. Social crime has been rising at an alarming rate. So having all the data of everyone helps the police to catch the suspected person very easily and helps them to know if he really is the criminal or not.

    There are some online works which are marked as illegal and banned in our country like adult sites, casino and betting sites, drug dealing sites etc. So, when someone tries to get on one of these websites the police get notified immediately and that it is how they can catch them very easily other than that online bullying can be reduced too. There are still some drawbacks of the government having our data.

    Because hackers can hack and take all our important data. So, our privacy would be completely destroyed if that happens. Like the previous year more than 5 million people's data was leaked due to government neglect. Hackers from abroad hacked and leaked all their data on the internet. Which was visible to everyone. But thankfully all the leaked data was recovered and removed from the internet soon after that happened. Though that was not the first time this happened. Things like this happen a lot in our country just because of the negligence of our government.

    A lot of people's data gets leaked throughout the year. Which is really not good for anyone. Many people are suffering for the cause of their private and secret things getting leaked. I personally know some people who have suffered for a long run in their life just because of this data leak case. Some of them were lucky cause only their less important data was leaked. But some of them were really traumatised.

    It is really sad that our government is careless about protecting our data and it is really fearsome for us too. Because we never know when our data gets leaked online. Even after so many cases like this our government is not talking about steps which can reduce such cases. Something has to be done or the people of our country would not be able to use the internet freely. It would become utterly impossible for us to use the internet.

    Because some day will come when all peoples data will get leaked if necessary steps are not taken. Now all we can do is hope that the government would take steps to help us and help the country because humans are the true assets of a country. So, if the government does not serve their people perfectly the people would not support and serve their country truly and it is not just about humans being are the asset of their country because someone's privacy should never get leaked due to other’s faults. One's privacy is really important to them.

    So, this should be kept safe utterly in strong hands. To protect our data from getting leaked the first thing government can do is apply some strong authentication and strong passcodes and also some recruit some special and skilled workers who can retrieve all the data keep it safe as much as possible. The next they can do is always keep on checking the security system and last but not the least is to create awareness amongst the people we so that they do not click any type of link which can lead their account to get hacked. Applying all this is how our privacy can be saved and won't fall into someone's hand.

    That’s all for today I hope that soon the problem will be solved. Let me know about the thoughts you have in your mind about this topic. Stay tuned for more posts like this, keep loving and supporting.


    About the Author
    My name is Haya, I am from Bangladesh, currently I am a student and I started my journey as a content creator in 2019 , Mainly I am interested in gaming, I am a professional Esports player of PUBG MOBILE. I am known as the most famous female player from PUBG MOBILE Bangladesh gaming community. Mask is my identity I do not intend to reveal my face in future that’s why you will see me in mask in every pictures. I have taken interested in HIVE because it’s the best platform for a content creator like me. I also like travelling, photography, drawing, gardening, blogging and many more things I intend to attempt in my free times.

    • The Photos were taken from the mobile app Canva
    • Photos edited with PicsArt Mobile app and Canva
    • All content are mine unless otherwise noted

    All Rights reserved @ayamihaya


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