Greek love

in voilk •  4 months ago

    In a world where reality is intertwined with dreams, two Greek sculptures, Helios and Selene, stood in a deserted square. Under the melancholic light of the evening, their shadows lengthened until they touched each other, in a space where time seemed to stop.

    En un mundo donde la realidad se entrelaza con los sueños, dos esculturas griegas, Helios y Selene, se encontraban en una plaza desierta. Bajo la luz melancólica del atardecer, sus sombras se alargaban hasta tocarse, en un espacio donde el tiempo parecía detenerse.


    Helios, carved from white marble, had been an adonis among mortals, with perfect curls falling over his pensive brow.

    Helios, tallado en mármol blanco, había sido un adonis entre los mortales, con rizos perfectos que caían sobre su frente pensativa.


    Selene, of pure alabaster, possessed the serenity of the full moon, her face reflected an ethereal beauty that only the night could understand.

    Selene, de alabastro puro, poseía la serenidad de la luna llena, su rostro reflejaba una belleza etérea que solo la noche podía comprender.


    Every day, as evening fell, a magical phenomenon happened: Helios and Selene came to life. Their stone hearts beat in unison as they exchanged glances filled with immortal passion. Although separated by the square, their souls were in a silent embrace.
    "You feel the same than me?" Helios whispered, his voice echoing against the distant columns.
    “From the first moment the light gave us life,” Selene responded, “my heart has been yours.”
    Despite being made of stone, the love they shared was so deep that even the gods would envy. In their metaphysical world, there were no barriers between them, only the pure connection of two beings destined to meet.
    With each sunset, their love was renewed, promising that, as long as the sun set and the moon rose, their union would endure, beyond marble and alabaster, in a place where art transcends reality.

    Cada día, al caer la tarde, un fenómeno mágico sucedía: Helios y Selene cobraban vida. Sus corazones de piedra latían al unísono mientras intercambiaban miradas cargadas de una pasión inmortal. Aunque separados por la plaza, sus almas se encontraban en un abrazo silencioso.
    “¿Sientes lo mismo que yo?” susurró Helios, su voz resonando contra las columnas distantes.
    “Desde el primer momento en que la luz nos dio vida,” respondió Selene, “mi corazón ha sido tuyo.”
    A pesar de estar hechos de piedra, el amor que compartían era tan profundo que incluso los dioses envidiarían. En su mundo metafísico, no existían barreras entre ellos, solo la pura conexión de dos seres destinados a encontrarse.
    Con cada atardecer, su amor se renovaba, prometiendo que, mientras el sol se ocultara y la luna ascendiera, su unión perduraría, más allá del mármol y el alabastro, en un lugar donde el arte trasciende la realidad.

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    Fantasy generated from the prompt I wrote to Bing's artificial intelligence.

    Fantasía generada a partir del promt que le escribí a la inteligencia artificial de Bing.

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    Until next time!

    Hasta la próxima!

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