Salida por el Día de las Madres ❤️ [ESP 🇪🇦 - ENG 🇺🇸]

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Hola a todos amigos de Family and Friends espero se encuentren muy bien, en esta ocasión vengo a traerles unas fotografías de lo que fue mi ida al centro comercial SAMBIL y lo especial que fue este día, por el día de la madres decidimos ir un rato a disfrutar el día en familia pues fueron mi mamá, mi abuela y mi primo nos fuimos encontrando a gente conocida que igual fue a lo mismo, luego de eso nos dirigimos a un nuevo establecimiento que inauguraron llamado "mango bajito" el cual tiene un gran variedad de mercancia bonita y cosas para el hogar desde la parte de cocina, baño, sala, etc..., luego de terminar la compra fuimos comer en el área de comida donde pedimos un servicio de pollo frito, ya para último decidimos ir a comprar unos helados para terminar de disfrutar el día, la verdad fue un día muy agradable para mi y para mi mamá y mi abuela, me senti super de que ellas lo hayan pasado muy bien y disfrutado su día como se lo merecen ❤️

    Bueno amigos de Family and Friends eso ha sido todo por hoy y volveremos en un próximo post para más contenido!

    Hello all friends of Family and Friends I hope you are very well, this time I come to bring you some pictures of what was my trip to SAMBIL mall and how special it was this day, for Mother's Day we decided to go for a while to enjoy the day as a family because they were my mom, my grandmother and my cousin we went to meet people we knew who also went to the same thing, after that we went to a new establishment that opened called "mango bajito" which has a variety of beautiful merchandise, my grandmother and my cousin we were meeting people we knew who also went to the same thing, after that we went to a new store that opened called "mango bajito" which has a variety of beautiful merchandise and things for the home from the kitchen, bathroom, living room, etc. ..., after finishing shopping we went to a new store called "mango bajito". .., after finishing the shopping we went to eat in the food area where we ordered a fried chicken service, and finally we decided to buy some ice cream to finish enjoying the day, the truth was a very nice day for me and my mom and my grandmother, I feel great that they have had a great time and enjoyed their day as they deserve ❤️

    Well friends of Family and Friends that's all for today and we'll be back in a future post for more content!

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    Editing and Production Tools
    Traductor: DeepL
    Translator: DeepL
    Dispositivos: Redmi note 7
    Devices: Redmi note 7


    Nos vemos en una próxima publicación, gracias por tu visita a mi blog!
    See you in a future post, thanks for your visit to my blog!

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