Engagement 203 At my side who makes me happy

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello my friends of Fin de Semanas, I hope you are enjoying these days, because it guarantees us to recharge our batteries and be ready to enter with enthusiasm to the next week that brings us the month of May.
    For my part I was in love with all the topics proposed by @galenkp, I am sure we will find a lot of diversity of opinion.

    I chose to write about:

    Would you prefer to date or be with someone older or younger than you?

    First of all, I think that this choice should not be based on the age of the person, but on empathy, interests, conceptions, values and projections in life.

    The society is the one that has imposed certain stereotypes on us, among them that is rejected the conformation of couples with age difference, it is criticized but it is better accepted the couples when they are older men with young women, while on the contrary women are very badly seen.

    Recently a close friend of mine who is over 60 years old married a man under 40 years old, as a couple they fit together very well, they look happy and in love, they are objects of criticism, bad intentions etc. but they ignore it, they got married under a separation of property regime and they both have a good economic position.

    Some people assume that an older person has more maturity, experience, emotional and financial stability, which means that he/she can help and support you in difficult situations.

    Many young people in my country have opted for this because of financial difficulties, but not all of them get what they expected, they are manipulated and treated as objects.

    On the other hand there are those who argue that a younger person offers vitality, energy, can fill you with stimulus to undertake new projects, because young people have a more open mind and can help us to understand and adjust to changes in society.

    Surely you, like me, know young people who are old in spirit and do not do or like the normal things of their age, such as dancing, parties, groups, etc.

    My partner is 10 years older than me, we have more than 25 years together and we have built and lived many dreams, we both like young people to share, learn and have fun, we do many things together with youth, but many others not, because we do not reach the energy some and others because they are not our preference, so I do not imagine myself in a relationship with someone younger.

    However, I reiterate that in my opinion there is no definitive answer as to what is best in terms of the age of the couple, as each relationship is unique and depends on the compatibility and communication between the people involved. The most important thing is that the relationship is healthy, respectful and happy for both parties, regardless of the age difference. The key is to always value and appreciate our partner for who they are, regardless of age!

    It would be a pleasure to hear your opinions, I hope you enjoyed this weekend's themes as much as I did.
    The images are my property, please use the translator DeepL

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