Into the woods - forest therapy

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Last week, I told to myself that I have to go out more often and I'm proud to say that so far I've kept this promise. I have been outside everyday for the last 7 days. It doesn't sound like much, but it's not easy to build a consistency for me, so this is an achievement too. The weather yesterday was great, and we spent the afternoon in the garden. I was planning to go there today too because there is still some cleaning to be done, but it is a bit colder and it also looked like it would start raining, so I went for a walk instead. I can't wait for those days when I will be going to the garden every day as yesterday's work made my muscles ache today, and therefore I need to do it more often to get used it again.

    There are many walking/hiking trails that I can take when I go for a walk, but I find myself usually walking the same round, so today I decided to change it and go to a nearby forest instead. I would enjoy the nature and the views wouldn't be too shabby either!

    Let's go!

    First, I walked to the train station from where I planned to walk up to the forest. It's a cloudy day, but usually we can see the Alps range in the back. I think I haven't been to any other train station with such stunning views yet. On the left, we see the buildings of a well-known SIG company, the train bridge, the Rhine Falls of course, and the Schloss Laufen on the other side of the river.


    Can you see the bridge on the right? We will walk in that direction and then enter the forest behind it. The walk should take about 1 hour...


    The developers struggled to build those two apartment buildings for almost 6 years as most of the town was against their construction since they would not fit into their surroundings. In the end, the town council allowed it and it took about 2 years to complete them. People already live in the smaller one and the taller one will get its residents soon as well. When I went to the dentist in Germany a couple of weeks ago, I have realized that I could see them from there too!


    You can't even see them properly from the fields in front of the forest...


    And we are already behind the train bridge...

    When you travel to the Rhine Falls from Zurich for the first time, make sure to take a train that goes through Germany, so that you come from this side and can enjoy this view. If you come through Switzerland you will arrive from another side with no views of the waterfall.



    Here is the proof that you will have spectacular views from the train! 😊


    And we are in the forest...


    There is not much greenery after winter yet, so you can still see the waterfall through the trees. In summer, it feels like you were much deeper in the forest.


    I was a bit concerned that it would be muddy because it rained last night, but the pavement is well maintained.



    There are places from where you can see the waterfall in its full glory. There is quite a lot of water at the moment and the level will still increase when the snow will start melting in the Alps.


    I liked the clouds today...


    A few months ago, @phortun was surprised that our apartment is in such a tall building because it is basically a big village/a small town where we live. All other buildings are much smaller in comparison. And then there are these two monsters...


    A strange combination of old and new....


    Our round is coming to the end and you're lucky that you didn't have to climb those stairs like I had to do 😊



    Spring is coming, and again I didn't resist taking photos of its early signs...

    Did you also make wreaths from daisies when you were a child? At that time I didn't bother with ticks or other insects and gladly put it on my head. If there would be a bug I would just brush it off my face or hair and didn't care at all. I think it would be different today 😊



    I don't remember the name of those flowers, but they looked like a pretty yellow carpet from afar...


    These will become the most beautiful pink flowers which I photograph every single year. I can't wait to see them blooming again.


    This was as small as my fingernail, and there was so much detail in it...


    Years ago, we used to crumble them between our fingers to release the seeds although at that time we had no idea it was seed. It was simply fun to do.


    Old and new...


    I remember a school project part of which was dipping the snowdrops to ink, so that they soaked it and became blue. It was an interesting thing to do as a child, but I wouldn't repeat it again.


    And crocuses can't be missed here either...


    This colour might be my favourite...



    It's so easy to miss on beautiful things when you are caught in your thoughts, and I'm learning to actively look for things that bring me pleasure, such as this tiny flower...


    I have to find their name to include them in my garden next year...



    Last, but not least - a little bit of green...






    As expected, it took about 1 hour to get back home. I walked about 6000 steps which might not sound as much for 1 hour, but I was walking slowly and listening to one of my favourite podcasts. When I came home I realized that I was relaxed and much less tired than I was before I went for a walk. AND I was also very hungry! This is the impact that fresh air has on me 😊

    See you next time...

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